Beauty tips

Beauty tips


Beauty tips

 i'm going to talk about these fve

beauty ingredients or ingredients that

we have in our kitchen cabinet or in our

beauty cabinets always

and these five ingredients are literally

magic ingredients because they have

sO many

benefits they are actually

umpower packed superfoods that have

sO many functions for your skin and hair

So let's start with what are these

ingredients maybe you can have in your

beauty cabinet too and see the benefits

so first up is turmeric we all know

turmeric by now is a superfood globally

it's recognized as a superfood right now

people have started including it intheir diet and you know maybe having

curcumin which is the main ingredient in

turmeric as a supplement or having

turmeric lattes but turmeric is

filled with antioxidants and

anti-inflammatory so it's great for your


Beauty tips

Beauty tips

and you can make a face mask out of it

that's what i do mix it with otheringredients that im going to talk about

and it gives you that instant glow it

brightens your skin and just

makes you feel and look so good so

amazing ingredient

we always have it in fact we have a

ritual in indian wedding which is called

healthy just before day before the

wedding where we apply turmeric and

mixit with other herbs all over our body

for the bride and the groom and the

family families come together so much


but of course it's because it brightens

your skin and the bride and the groom


bright on their wedding day

the second ingredient ishoney


filled with antibacterial



you can mix it with other ingredients

it's a natural humectant so it

moisturizes your skin you don't have to

mix it with anything if you don't haveanything else just apply on your skin

and it moisturizes your skin

beautifully i also mix it with other

ingredients for my hair mask and it

works out

amazing so another power packed

ingredient we always always have in our

beauty cabinet

thenthe third one is yogurt simple humble

yogurt filled with lactic acid lots of

other nutrients great exfoliator

it's a great tan remover i always use

this in fact it has helped my

pigmentation quite a bit there was a

time when i used it very regularly not

as much now but every time im in the

sun and i come backi apply yogurt on myface or sometimes on my entire body

to take away the tan it is a great

exfoliator actually that's how it you

know kind of exfoliates the upper layer

of your skin

i also mix it in my hair masks and use

it it's um it adds that extra shine to

your hair

it's filled withnutrients as i said so you can mix and

with other ingredients you can mix it

with turmeric you can mix it with honey

and turmeric

and make a nice face mask which is


will not only moisturize your skin

but also exfoliate it it will also


help in your breakouts it will you knowreally and also with open pores

um and itll add that extra glow

the fourth one is coconut oil we all

know by now i mean it's become very

popular group globally coconut oil is

filled with saturated fat it's great for

your scalp

i've used coconut oil and till date i

use it for my scalp massage and it justfeels so good i use coconut oil all over

my body i use coconut oil for my skin

it does not suit everyone i have to tell

you that being a skin coachi know that

some of my clients don't do very well

with coconut oil so try it sometimes it


react with your skin and you might break

out but most of the time it worksbeautifully but for your scalp massage

it's amazing you know take a little bit

of it and massage your scalp leave it

for a few hours or overnight and wash it


it just energizes your

Scalp and you know increases your blood

circulation and you will see your hair

growth is way better

Beauty tips

So again you can use it for your faceit's a natural moisturizer because it's

filled with saturated fat so i can use

it with all other ingredients and make a

nice pack and use it also on my face

last but not the least saffron one of

the most expensive spices in the world

filled with antioxidants

you can of course it's very expensive so

umyou use it very carefully i use it for

my face mask i also sometimes use it

when i'm having a nice salt bath i add a

few um you know maybe a cup or two of

milk in that add a little bit of saffron

and have this really nice bath ritual

makes me feel so good it moisturizes my

skin with the milk and it also adds that

little glow i love the smellum and it's just it just makes you feel

special saffron has that quality that

makes you feel

um very queen like so if you want to

feel that way you can maybe add a bit of

saffron into your beauty ritual

so i'm adding some yogurt first



pinch of turmeric maybe two inches let's

do it

pinch of saffron

little bit of honey

and a few drops of coconut oil

ah looks so good

im going to mix all of it

mix wellmix well

and then apply

all over your face

it smells honestly divine

and it is so clean that

you can eat it

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