tom and jerry

Tom and jerry

tom and jerry

 Tom and jerry

 remember it so you don't have to theres

this idea going around that slapstick is

a lesser form of humor.

well to them I

say Ill slapstick focuses on the most

important rule of comedy that all comedy

in one way or another is based on misery. 

whether it be mocking something others. 

hold dear or crushing another in a

perfectly time manner humor is that

defense mechanism that acknowledgespain is just another part of life and. 

nowhere DC pain exploited more


than in

 tom and Jerry

this chem mouse duo has had both kids

and adults laughing for years through no

real dialogue no real stories just. 

excuses to crush burn and maim each

other as much as physically possible now. 

what these shorts came out cartoons. 

hurting each other wasnt anything new

lots of cartoon shorts including Disneyand especially .

Warner Brothers seem to

have this dig down pretty well but if

there was already two major companies. 

doing it so well how come. 

Tom and Jerry

rose to be the pinnacle slapstick duo's

well maybe one of the main reasons was

there was rarely any talking .

I mean

there was an occasional line from one or

two other characters the Talmud jury

themselves usually kept quiet perhaps

allowing less time to devote tomotivation and instead more time to

devote to the physical humor .


Tom and jerry

Brothers is great but half their comedy

was the words they would say to one

another in between the violence and that

worked wonderful for them but here they

take a few moments to set up the

scenario and then it's nothing but

hardcore pain the rest of the way giving. 

tom and jerry

many audiences exactly what they

wantedop of that despite the fact that

they couldn't speak they actually did

form very solid personalities .

jerry is

playful innocent and often looking to

just have fun or even just survive even

if he can have a little too much fun

surviving Tom being a cat of course sees

him either as a meal or as an


whatever the setup he's always the one

who starts the fight which makes it veryeasy to laugh when he gets his. 

comeuppance but that's not the only

reason to feel like he deserves it he's

cocky he's egotistical he's prone to

anger he's stubborn he's all the things

that make a great foil but never to the

point where he's unlikable he still has

that goofy playfulness that Jerry has

too which is why in the few instances. 

where they do come together it's not

entirely unbelievable but let's get downto the reason why people really love Tom

and Jerry their lust for blood william

hanna and joseph barbera knew how to

animate great slapstick it makes sense

in animation seeing how so much of the

humor relies on timing and here you can

literally control each frame to the

tiniest detail giving you complete power

over your delivery and that's exactly

what they do they know exactly how fast

how hard and how painful everyto say they're good at it

exactly how are they good at it why does

the slapstick work so much better here

than a dozen other cartoons well


again they understood that anything that

can emphasize the amount of pain a

character is in usually the funnier the

joke will be compare town and jury to

say this scene from an episode of Tiny

Toons now Tiny Toons most of the timehenkaa slapstick - but sometimes they

got a director or a team of animators

that didn't do it as well as an amour

bereted of course the idea of cartoons

is to exaggerate the possible turning it

into the impossible but in order for it

to be funny you have to know what to

exaggerate like watch this bit this

Scene doesn't work as well because the

character is too stretchy and too

flexible it doesn't look like they'regetting hurt that bad because it doesn't

look solid enough now watch when Tom

gets hurt

this works so much better because even

though he's being distorted he still

feels solid in the area that they do

manipulate complements the weight of


Tom and jerry

item that's causing the damage it's like

when you have a jar of play-doh

yeah it's stretchy and not too hard but

when you smash your fits down on it itleaves an imprint so you can tell it's

still solid and the same can be said

here the objects usually leave an

imprint on top now if l was to smash my

fist down on the play-doh and it was to

stretch all over the place that would be

too distracting and thus we couldn't

connect with what we were seeing as


the animators of Tom and Jerry knew


the more you feel how solid they are themore you feel the pain the same could be

said for the sounds that make in the

early days when they were still trying

to find their niche Tom and Jerry

especially Tom looked much morelike

real-life animals and even sounded more

like real-life families now that's not

as funny because it's not as relatable

the only thing you think about when you

hear that sound is a real-life cat

getting hurt what sick would enjoythat but when you add a human yell to it

suddenly it's more funny and yes every

single one of them is done by William


so why is this Hill funnier than actual

cat yo well on top of the surrealistand it seemed like that wouldn't be

nearly as funny so they had to use them

sparingly the expressions are also

something hanna-barbera got down

perfectly the more content and

comfortable a character can be in their

environment the more funny it'll be when

it comes crackling down that's why so

often you'll see Tom give this mocking

grin when he thinks he's won the more

happy he is the harder the blow will

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