The story of The croods 2

 The story of The croods 2

The story of The croods 2


i know that the pandemic has been going

on for a very long time and hollywood

feels that getting these movies meant

for theaters at home

has lost its luster i don't think so

i was delighted to get the croods a new

age as a screener and you'll be able to

stream it relatively soon as well

first it's going to go to theaters as

part of amc and universals

well now universal has this deal with a

number of theater companies

but it's going to be about 17 days until

you can get it on pvod

and it's just a delight wherever you

want to watch it

i just i was so happy to get it uh in my

inbox i was like oh boy it's gonna be a

great evening and the movie didn't


just like the first croods remember how

good the first croods was and it was


how is this movie this good well i would

say the same holds for the sequel

now does the croods a new age reinvent

the wheelnot story-wise no but

wise wow i don't think i've ever seen

voice work match

So amazingly with facial animation

imean to say these characters come to

life feels like an

understatement watching watching them

was absolutely incredible it was like

heightened realism in a glorious sense

i just i never got tired of watching the

voice work and the animation work in

tandem i was like it just keeps getting


the the amazement never wore off for the


The story of The croods 2

time i was watching the film and i'm

happy to say that nobody phones it in

voice workwise nicholas cage at the

beginning of the movie he says

kangadillos with not only a straight


but he means it he's thrilled to be

saying it i mean i know he was just in

spider-verse but that you know he did a

great job there too

and nicholas cage you know i think for

better or worse he's always gamebut he was really good here and you


emma stone and ryan reynolds they're

very busy actors they came back to do

this sequel

and do it so well i think really speaks

to their character and professionalism

and also the quality of the project i

mean they didn't have to come back and

they clearly saw

that it was worth their time and it

definitely it definitely was

emma stone by the way is two for two

having also recently returned for

zombieland too another blast from the


really im not kidding it really does

make me have an added level of respect

for both stone and reynolds that they

returned to do this because they are the

heart of the film

just as they were with the first one now

peter dinklage

he's not quite as busy he's got some

room in the old schedule

but he does a great job he's a wonderful

addition he should be more he should be

busierhis line readings are superb and he he

really should do more voice work i

thought he did a great job and overalI

the betterments are just really well

designed they were a delight in the

trailer and there's much more where that

came from i'm happy to say

also kelly marie tran she might have

found her calling as a voice actress

well that's where she's gettinga lot of

the work right now she's here

she's doing the upcoming disney uh riot

in the last dragon

but it was hard for me to believe

watching this or listening to this in

this in this case

that this was the same actress who was

saddled with rose tico

i mean the performances are just night

and day

and it just goes to show how important

it is to have a good role with good

writing her don betterman quickly


could not have done more damage to her

career and image it's really unfortunate

i hope that she continues to work so

hard to correct it and this is

definitelya step in the right direction

i'd love to see her i know she's done a

little live action but id love to see

her do something on a bigger scale

that would get her the redemption she so

clearly deserves

The story of The croods 2

and you know i just loved all the

characters and also i loved the world

that they inhabit

the animation team didn't phone it in

either i was thrilled from the exotic

animals and plant life

to a tree house that is truly a modern

day swiss family robinson i loved this

tree house it was amazing and they

always were constantly revealing new

aspects of the whole compound which i

thought was fantastic

the film is just a constant visual treatliterally everywhere you look on screen

throughout the entire film and the story

ain't bad either

well it's pretty typical family drama

there are enough wrinkles and character

quirks to make it fun

plus some very good comedy and action


and you know i have to say i also really

like the strong focus on women not just

great characters

and spotlighting a strong female a

friendship by the way between dawn and

eep i thought that was lovely

i mean this movie definitely passes the

bechdel test

but also let's just say because i don't

want to give it away and the third act

they do in amazon's meets hard rock

Scenario that came out of nowhere


and then i really enjoyed i was like

what the heck is this

don't stop i love itimean as i said

the first crudes was a delightful

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