Gta 6

 Gta 6

Gta 6


um I know we're not playing GTA right

now there is a reason for that I don't

want to risk even posting GTA 5 while

talking about this topic because I do

not want to get taken down for copyright

strike by Rockstar Games but for those

of you who don't know this morning we

got hit with a bunch of leaks about GTA

6 now I'm a little late to this because

I did wake up really really late and had

a friend tell me about this and ever

since then I've been sitting right here

on my PC Gathering a bunch of

information on GTA 6 reviewing the

gameplay I've watched the game play

twice now

um all 90 clips and if you guys didn't

know all 90 Clips are like an hour long

and I'm super excited to bring you guys

a bunch of news this is everything Im

gonna be talking about that I think is

important about GTA 6

um that I saw from the gameplay nowfirst and foremostI do want to say

um a lot of people are complaining about

the graphics and stuff like that on the

game so for those of you who did see the

clips and are complaining about the

graphics I just want to let you know one

thing is that it was confirmed that this

was from 2019 so this is 2019 uh this is

like the 2019 version of GTA 6 this

İsnt the

Gta 6

um right now version of GTA 6 is the

2019 version of GTA 6. So

um that was said by one of the head

people at Rockstar

and if you guys do want to see the

gameplay I have the gameplay


but I would have to do it in ike a

secret way so that Rockstar wouldn't

have I wouldn't just be able to post it

on my YouTube channel otherwise I'm

gonna get copyright strike so let me

know maybe I can create like a little

post or somethingum under private and just send you guys

all the link just let me know if you

guys do want me to post the gameplay

later on it would only be up for a

couple of hours but l am comfortable

with posting it under private and stuff

for you guys now getting into everything

that we learned about GTA 6 today l just

want to start with the two main

characters in the game so for the first

time in GTA history we're gonna be

seeing a female protagonist and her


is going to be Lucia I think a lot of

people thought her name was like Latina

or some something like that um it's

gonna be Lucia that was also confirmed

um and the male protagonist or the male

character is going to be Jason so

um you're gonna be able to play as both

of them and eventually these two

characters will end up meeting up in a

bank robbery I believe they're gonna be

Imean up that's from what I saw now Ido not know because the video did go in

depth on showing Lucia

um robbing a diner so I don't know if

that was Jason because she was robbing

it with somebody in that video I don't

know if that's Jason that she's robbing

it with in the video or not but from

what I heard they're going to be meeting

in a bank robbery and not a diner

robbery so it looks like we're gonna be

getting a lot more Heist as well

um for the characters

in GTA 6 so as you guys know in GTA 5


had the Franklin

um we had Michael and Trevor and they

all kind of did Heist together but

before that we hadI think Franklin and

Michael do a heist and then Trevor do a


um so I think it's gonna work kind of

like that where you're gonna do a couple

robberies with each character in


Gta 6

and then eventually they're all going to

meet up and you're going to be able to

do one big robbery kind of like the

ending robbery in the game and there is

going to be a decision to be made at the

end of this GTA as well just like it was

in GTA 5 where you could either choose

to kill Michael kill Trevor or save all

the characters and there's going to be

kind of like an ending like that again

here in GTA 6. now the location for this

has also been confirmed it's going to belot and yes it is going to be in Vice

City but we do not know if that's going

to be the only location that it's going

to be in we don't know if it's going to

be bigger than Vice City if there's

going to be more locations the map did

look really really big when they were

talking about it and just showing around

and driving around so I'm really hoping

that this map is big I love the big Maps

kind of like the scenery and stuff like

that it just adds more to the game l

know it can be a struggle getting around

the map but

um I feel like as far as story mode goes

um it would be kind of fun to have a

bigger type of map now I don't know how

many you guys are into the Hip Hop or

the rap genre of music but one thing |

did notice was that future is in GTA 6

SO when she's robbing the diner on the

radio you can hear future playing so I

don't know Future's a rapper for those

of you who don't know so future is going

to be one of the featured artists in GTA

6 so I'm very very excited.

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