The story of the Jumanji

The story of the Jumanji

The story of the Jumanji


 Hey how's it going folks a new the rock

movies coming out this week called

jungle cruise

that's why today ilI tell you the story

of a very

similar movie seriously it's the rock

in the jungle with the same shirt


welcome to the jungle okay so this movie

is like a remake

but it's a sequel to the original 1995

movie so it's like a

remake sequel a requel

anyway in this movie a man finds a board

game on the beach in 1996 and takes it

home as a gift for his son alex

who's not quite excited about iti get

you man you have a nintendo and you


more players for jumanji

now get ready for something um strange

here because the game turns into a video

game at night

and i don't know man you can suck


into the game bring

elephants from the game reset timelines

as much as you want but

turning into a video game

that's too much that's that that's a bit

too much

alex then plays and a green light comes

out of his room

that's how this movie starts with a



The story of the Jumanji

now we have to skip forward 20 years to

meet spencer and his once friendbetter known as fridge and these two

have some monkey business going

on that's why they are meeting in front

of this old creepy house

spencer wrote a history report for

fridge hoping they can hang out like in

the old times

before fridge became a football player

but anthony

is he's not interested that's so sad

later at school we meet two more

characters bethany who's very popular


who has an equal lack of common sense

a quiz obviously getting detention

and martha save martha

yeah yeah i know that's quite an old

reference so martha is smart but

doesn't know how to talk to people so

when she refuses to take part in p

class she gets detention too and the

same thing

happens to spencer in fridge after the

history teacher sees the same exact


in the report by fridge and previous

ones by spencer even using the same

phrases that that wasn't very smart

it's like it's like cheating 101 man


the punishment is just to remove the

staples from these magazines

what's a lot of work but better than

being expelled

in the middle of that fridge finds aconsole with a geomagic game on it

they decide to play for a few minutes

but right after selecting their

characters they're sucked into the game


but these guys wont play as themselves

that would be

really boring but as the game characters

let's meet the new spencer dr bravestone

fridge now franklin mouse martha

now ruby roundhouse and bethany now


shelley all the characters have

abilities and weaknesses but we'll talk

about that later

they also have a tattoo on their arms of

three black bars which

they conclude to be their lives after

bethany is killed by a hippo

and one of the bars disappears the heap

is still there

so they have to run away bumping into


an npc a what english pleasea

non-player character he's part of the


nigel explains there is a curse and

their mission is to stop it

we then get a cut scene where we see

that professor bam pell

the bad quy of this movie was obsessed

with a magical jewel

to jaguar's eye and when he found it heOver all jumanji's creatures seeing that

nigel stole the jewel hoping dr

bravesome will take it back to its

original place

this tower-like mountain nigel also

gives them

a map before leaving them in the middle

of nowhere though

a piece is missing from that map there

they found about their strengths

and weaknesses brave sound is fearless

can climb

is fast uses a boomerang and has

smoldering intensity

yeah that's intense oh and he has

not a single weakness ruby does many

martial arts

and dance fighting dance fighting is it

even a

thing her weakness is venom dr shelley

aka bethany knows cartography

archaeology and paleontology her

weakness is endurance

and fridge yeah he has zoology

also he's the weapons belly and his

weakness is cake how how's that real

also spiff and strength strength is my


hey can i quick question how is strength

my weakness

but we don't have time to waste some

philosophical dilemmas cause a biker

gang appears behind them

that's the first time we see bravesome

using his boomerang

The story of the Jumanji

but even with that deadly weapon it's

not enough to take down

all the bad guys so they jump from a

cliff too bad martha wasnt fast enoughand got shot before jumping so she dies

i mean obviously she comes back again


now with just two lives they continue

their journey but fridge

starts fighting with spencer throwing

him off a cliff

another cliff getting back also with two


but at least spencer finds the courage

to face fridge

after then but still that was stupid

they get to a market where an npc offers

them bread

fridge gets a piece realizing it's

actually cake and then

explodes that's freaking awesome

they also bump into another npc nowa

kid who shows them the place where the

missing piece of the map is

spencer checks the basket reluctantly

suspecting there is a snake inside and

yeah there is a big

one in there they think there is

probablya hidden mechanic

in the game because the boy told them to

never blink so maybe it's like a staring

contest with a snake they think

bethany stirs at the snake but nope it

wasn't a staring contest

spencer . 

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