Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat


 go get an update on Camp security from

Colonel flag why because then you won't

be here

are we with you

no I need to confirm with kodal Khan

that Lee May's story is true

you and your team are going to outworld


I don't know I expected the sky to be

purple or something

believe everything you see online and

what makes you an expert Michelle and

archives I studied a lot about our world

no substitute for experience

what makes you our leader

nice let's stick to the mission

it has to be telling the truth

Invasion would violate the Reiko Accords

you can always trust an outworlder but

if outworlds our Ally why didn't they

help us during the netherealm waragainst Quan Chi and his team of

revenants like Jackie's dad [_l

it's not an alliance not an aggression

pact outworld is not our Ally a point

you might make with more subtle



and I'll State your business including a

reason why we shouldn't kill you

I can read you

you're not from out wolf

I'm from earthworld like you but my

employer Koto Khan is from outworld so

now I'm from outworld

State your business we're emissaries we

need to talk to kodal Khan

here we have Raiden's official seal

I can buy one of those at that stall

right over there

Mortal Kombat

look you can arrest us even kill us

but if we're telling the truth

you probably get a pay cutor worse

you take us to the con Ill tell him you

took us down

maybe you get a bonus

you can't lose

follow me

in these times of War we are required to

view every resource as a weapon for our

emperor to use at his discretion to take

without his leave is to is to steal from

the hand of kotokan himself

therefore having been found guilty of

theft you shall be put to death I was

hungry your sentence will be carried out


death for petty theft remember where you




get out of here go

I knew I shouldn't have listened to youa lesson in trust from a mercenary

here's another learning opportunity

oh []

the gun is the best of events



hate to see your dry cleaning bill


thank you


I'm a quick learner


let's play tour

you couldn't just ask for a pony like

every other Girl archives never

mentioned symbiotes





you here make trouble skinny

Trouble made voIstory mode but just never got the chance

kinchi especially not being allowed to

play as him in story mode is a huge sin

because i think a lot of us knew he

would not come back for mortal kombat


and we really wanted our chance to play

as him in this story mode and next we

have one more hated scene which is


quan chi gets downright disrespected

really hard and it happens constantly in

the story mode actually quan chi is a

joke and just constantly beaten and

wrecked in story mode and im in the

minority here because i love that ive

never actually liked quan chi ever since

he killed liu kang by shooting him in

the back ive hated quan chi and thought

he was a bit of a coward i was waiting

for the moment he overstepped or made


Mortal Kombat

mistake and it all came crashing down on

him and this story mode is pretty muchjust that over and over again quan chi

failing repeatedly and just getting the

business and his cheeks handed to him

Over and over again however i do

understand that a lot of players

actually love quan chi and he's one of

the preferred villains in the franchise

so i understand why watching him lose

Over and over again is very unsatisfying

and people hated it in this story mode

oh boy but then we have this scene which

hurts me painfully because i love molina

especially in this game she was so much

fun to play i think mortal kombat x

despite killing molina did a lot for her

character she's way more prevalent in

the story mode her personality is more

fleshed out and her attacks and

playstyle are the best they've ever been

she's super fun but then we have the

fall heard dying to devorah which sucks

in this game but as we'll later find outdevorah just loves to kill main

characters and for some reason the

writers keep letting her kill main

characters she's apparently one of the

strongest new characters that

netherrealm's ever made but then we


the kiss of death and i think it's the

way that molina dies that most fans take

issue with not just her death itself

going in to kiss molina is one of the

most dangerous mistakes you could

possibly make given her crazy big teeth

on her jaw she could easily chomp your

face off and as a result you'd think

that she would just take a bite out of

devorah and kill her right then and

there and then on top of that why can't

molina teleport is she in some sort of

magical restraints that take away her

abilities or does she need the size to

teleport ive always kind of wondered

that can melina teleport how does sheneed the weapons for it and don't get me

wrong it'sa very gruesome death that is

certainly worthy of mortal kombat but i

think more players wish that she had

died in some blaze of glory because once

again she's a big fan favorite character

and now that we're in takeda's story

it's also worth mentioning that a lot of

characters are made much weaker in

mortal kombat x a great example being

irmac this guy should be crazy crazy

strong and there's no way that 90 of the

cast can beat.

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