



journey in the Pokemon anime please

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and then he says hey Il use my trusty

frying pan as a drying pan oh can you

guys just let that die already lI said

that years ago just once come come on

Brock it's your most famous one-liner

you gotta own it

it's been great catching up guys but I

better get going big day tomorrow oh

wait you're leaving so soon oh that's

right your world final match with

Lance's tomorrow Lance has been on a

real streak this year if I don't come

with my best he's gonna take me down


sure Pikachu should be done catching up

with the others at Professor Oaks see

you later guys

hey Misty Earth to Misty are you reallygonna let him leave without saying

anything again well hi will l know at

least a couple girls who make a move if

you don't

hey Ash have you seen Serena or may



what does that have to do with anything

why are you getting weird all of a

sudden why are you calling weird after

all these years you're still a dumb kid

I Swear Ash Ketchum you'll never groW up

that was so embarrassing I was stupid to

think he was any different stupid stupid

hey Misty actually I wanted to ask you

something too

well I was wondering if you'd like to

hang out sometime for lunch you like

lunch right

itll just be the two of us though

lunch yeah sure wOW Would you look at

that it's the end of the worldthat's great well I'm off then Ill see

you soon


oh and guys

thanks for rooting for me all these


hard to believe that stubborn little

kids now the defending Pokemon world

champion Hub rock well one thing's for

sure I wouldn't want to be his opponent

she said yes I was pretty smooth wasn't

I Charizard

with each trainer only having one

Pokemon left this year's World

Championship finale is proving to be

hard drama

Charizard dragon breath

you're getting ahead of yourself ass

Dragonite and I will go down to an

attack like that

I didn't think so Charizard let's kick

it up a notch mega evolve

WOWthis all right Charizard let's end this

in style

dragon eye and I won't be overpowered

let's show them our Mega Evolution with


Dragonite use hurricane and blow the

Flames away

good work Dragonite now where is it


good job getting in close Charizard now

here's Dragon claw

what dragon claw had no effect that

means that's right Ash Mega Dragonite

gains the fairy typing making it immune

to his previous weaknesses to Dragon

type moves

now there's no Escape

you've made a grave mistake Ash and


winning streak is over let's finish this

Dragonite Hyper Beam

all rightyou almost had me Lance but Charizard's

got more weapons than you think what

iron tail

now stealing


after all that I lost darn

I was so close

no kidding that was one of the closest

battles I've ever had it could have gone

either way

Inever thought l'd be looking out at

you like this

you've really come along like it

at least this year's world champions

from Kanto again

there is thatyou want an autograph you'll have to

wait till then that was a good show

champ seems like you're the trainer

who's done just about everything but you

and I both know you still have some

unfinished business to wrap up no and

what might that be

let's cut to the chase l know where

Giovanni is

huh I can see you're interested well

then come with me


the mysterious stranger brings Ash to

the bell tower at Equity City in the

Johto region

we're here this is the bell tower make

your way to the roof and youll find him

there before I go anywhere I want to

know something

considering who he is to you I'm

surprised you'd sell him out like this

yeah tell me why it's about time herealizes that Pokemon aren't just tools

to further his Ambitions he's been wrong

about them for a long time and unless he

learns this lesson he'll never stop

trying to revive Team Rocket l'd imagine

if there's anyone he'd listen to it'd be



why do you need me

well unfortunately you're wrong about

that blood is just about the only thing

my father and I share you on the other

hand you have more in common with him

than you think what do you mean easy

there I didn't mean it like that truth

is he asked for you

I wouldn't have brought you here if I

didn't think you'd make a difference in

fact I make it a point to steer clear of

my father's business also thanks to you

and your friends the old man doesn't

have many resources left

trust me it's just him up therelisten if you want a chance to bring

them in this is it l'll stand guard out

here to make sure nobody else gets in

now it's best you get going

this really is a chance to bring him in

I guess I should take it

all right then hey Mr Silver thanks

and sorry about earlier

you can drop the mister it's just silver

and if you can get through to him

thatll be thanks enough get going he

isn't a fan of waiting

father if what you told me is true he

might be the only one that can change

your mind Ash I hope you're ready

do you really believe that twerp can get

through to the boss I don't know we have

to let this play out and hope that he

can come to think.

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