The story of silent hill

 The story of silent hill

The story of silent hill

Hey all righty ladies and gentlemen

welcome to the horror mine

the home for all things horror

my name is vikshai and the other day

i found myself re-watching the silent

hill film adaptation that came out back

in 2006.

i hadn't watched it in years and i

remember never being too fond of it the

first time around

however after taking the time to watch

it again after all these years

my friends i absolutely fell in love

with it

the film really hit home for me this

time around and i truly appreciated

everything that i was seeing on screen

il be breaking down the film and

discussing why i believe

it to be one of the best video game to

film adaptations

also i want to take the time to say

thank you to everyone who subscribed to

the channel

i truly appreciate each and every one of

you and i hope you're all enjoying myContent

silent hill is my favorite video game

franchise with silent hill 2

being my all-time favorite game so i am

so excited to be talking about this film

with you all

without further ado turn off the lights

and let's talk horror movies our movie

begins with our twO main characters

rose and christopher de silva looking

for their daughter sharon

sharon has recently been played with a

series of nightmares that have been

causing her to sleepwalk

while looking for sharon rose runs

through a tunnel and we see the name

cheryl written on the wall cheryl being

the video game counterpart of sharon

rosie sharon standing at the edge of a




The story of silent hill

she manages to stop sharon from a

permanent solution to a temporary


sharon who is completely out of itstarts to yell

home silent hill numerous times


the concerned couple embrace their child

and we then see a really awesome


title sequence


rose decides that it's time for answers

and believes you will find those answers

in silent hill rose and sharon share a

nice mother-daughter moment in a field

underneath a tree

as we're treated to some of the film's

beautiful music

the film's soundtrack was one of the

main reasons that made me truly

appreciate this film

the movie takes songs directly from the

games specifically silent hill 1 through


which managed to truly set the tone and

atmosphere throughout the entire film

chris finds out that rose plans to take

sharon to silent hill thanks to a good

old browser history search

at a gas station we meet our next majorcharacter bram's police officer

sybil bennett who is taken directly out

of the first game

rose takes a look at sharon's drawing

book and notices that her pictures are


and much more sinister than before she

questions sharon about the picture which

causes her to freak out and catches the

attention of officer sybil

rose assures sibyl that everything is

fine and that they don't need any help

rose and chris have a conversation over

the phone where chris asks her not to

take sharon to silent hill

we find out that sharon is in fact

adopted and he states that she needs


and constant care something that rose

says hasn't been effective

on their way into silent hill rose

suddenly gets pulled over by

sybil who was following them rose

proceeds to floor it and speeds away

from her

while making her daring getaway a littlewe see that she is now surrounded by a

thick coat of fog and

ashes are falling from the sky 15

minutes into the film

we are already introduced to the town of

silent hill

and it looks absolutely amazing the film

does such a great job in making the town

look just like it did in the video games

the sound design in this scene is also

great as you can hear the emphasis put

on rosa's footsteps

as she is walking through the streets

something that i will always be fond of

and remember from the video games

row sees sharon running through the

streets and begins to run after her

sharon leads her to a set of steps down

a dark alley and we get our first

transition to the other world


ladies and gentlemen this scene was


So well

i can tell that they took the time and

effort to try and recreate the

otherworld transition from the firsteverything worked so well for me the

loud sirens

The story of silent hill

rose's use of the lighter in the dark

and the actual look of the otherworld


they even utilized fixed camera angles

like those used in the games during the


rose completely shocked and disturbed


what's going on

comes across a gutted man hanging

from a

fence by barbed wires

we are then introduced to the first of

this film's many monsters

the grey children who are looking


awesome and terrifying but aren't as

homicidal as their in-game counterparts

as none of them appear to be wielding

sharp knives

as rose attempts to get away the great

children begin to vanish into thin

air she wakes up in a bowling alley back

in the fog world

rose then notices that the road intomaking it impossible to get out rose

then meets the movie's version of dalia


as we'll see later on this version of

dahlia is very different from her

in-game counterpart

rose attempts to show dalia a picture of

sharon but dalia tries to snatch the

locket from her

you might want to be careful there

dahlia you almost fell off that cliff

and into the abyss

back in the real world we see that chris

is attempting to locate silent hill and

track down rose

rose makes it back to her vehicle and

sees several of sharon's pictures laid

out on the ground

she finds one of the more sinister. 

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