Catherine and her destiny story

 Catherine and her destiny story

Catherine and her destiny story


and her destiny

once upon a time in a kingdom far away

from where we sit at the moment

there lived a princess called

Princess Catherine I don't know anything

about her except that she reads all day

and is a

a princess with glasses

not my princess no


oh no



people think you're boring

doesn't bother me now if you will excuse

me I'm trying to put this hard-boiled

egg into the bottle

another science experiment we need to


out have fun party

meet new people

I did it

are you even listening to me

you must be so eager to know how I did

it right no you see first I put a

burning piece of paper in the bottle not

interested the burning paper in the

bottle causes the air to expand and thepressure to go up when the fire runs out

of the oxygen the temperature cools and

the air contracts sucking the eggs

through the bottle opening ah are you


with this one yes


Princess uh the king

father father


with the passing away of the king

Princess Catherine the only heir to the

throne was to become the queen of


but her subjects were not quite sure

about it

Catherine and her destiny story

you see Princess Catherine had never

dwelled in the matters of administration

and had kept herself forever buried in



you are to become the

Queen I don't know

think I am ready

princess the kingdom it's under attack



Minister what is happeningpanto the Despicable king of lola has

attacked us during our morning we we


no match for his army you must run to

safety princess but our kingdom it is

too late we will have to surrender but

you must run he won't keep an air alive


come back for us when you are ready




we are far away from the kingdom now


are safe

sit here and let me go survey the area

and find some food

with cactus gun Catherine Sat by the


and stopped bitterly

suddenly she heard something


past behind her



what what who is that

lam your destiny

my what and why can't I see you where

are you hiding


whatare you

eye of the path you choose the decisions

you make the roads you didn't take I am

what you make of me I am your destiny

this is not happening it cannot be real

I am dreaming I amn out it's it's not a


no Catherine I am as real as you are

what do you

you want

it's just not what I want but what you

want that matters

tell me Catherine do you want to be your

destiny to be a happy present

or a happy future


this doesn't make any sense but let's

just say that if I want a happy present

then I shall have to suffer for the rest

of my life no the probability of me

enjoying my life later outweigh the

probability of me enjoying it now is welive in the present to secure a

beautiful future that's how we are

geneticaly sewed ah

So as any sane person would deduce this

unfathomably irksome situation that

looks straight out of the dream I would

bear the trouble now and have something

better to look forward to in the future



I have no idea what you just said

Ichoose a happy future

goodness all right

you shal have that

and with that the wave crumbled back

into the lake crushing on its surface

and in a moment turned calm and quiet

what just happened

after resting by the lake for the night

Catherine and Cactus set out to the

kingdom of donland

when they reached a small town in the

Kingdom they were passing the market

Catherine saw an old lady carrying a

heavy bag with difficultystaggering down the road

ma'am may I help you

and why would you do that

um I'm new in this town and looking for

a job I could help you carry the bag and

in return if you could recommend me to a

house or a bakery or anywhere that I can

work it would be very kind

you're looking for a job

why I'm looking to hire someone to help

me with the chores myself

10 silver coins that's all l can pay and

you can stay at mine

that would be wonderful thank you

and so Catherine began to work for the

lady and she worked very welI

one day when the woman went out to the

market Catherine took her work and sat

down at the window hello so here you are


Catherine and her destiny story


leave you in peace

you chose for a happy



and then fluttering over to the linenpress where the old woman kept all her

finest sheets and clothes tore

everything in pieces and flung them on

the floor

no my mistress will not forgive me

and she might hand you over to the

guards and

what what do I do now


stay at

are the consequence

Catherine thought for a moment and then

starting up she ran to the door opened

it and then fled

Cactus hurry what

days passed and Catherine found herself

a job at a bakery but exactly as before

Destiny came again and spoiled



Oh Come Cactus hurry what again

and so it befell for 11 months and every

time Catherine found a fresh Place her

Destiny came and forced her to leave it

finally after having been chased awayfrom her last house

Catherine now down-hearted and


sat down by the margin of a quiet Lake

and reminisced about her past life

I don't know what it is that you're

running away from that Catherine I know

is a nerd boring. 

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