The story of the hearthstone lore

The story of the hearthstone lore

The story of the hearthstone lore

 Hello everyone

there are certain weapons present in the

warcraft universe

that are immediately identifiable and

which people would spend vast amounts


times and resources

to try to get their hands on one such

pair of weapons

are of course the twin blades of azeroth

there have been plenty of people that

had tried to kill this wielder the lord

of outland illidan stormrage

over and over and over again in the

black temple raid

hoping that one of them would drop as

the name suggests

these are indeeda set and both the main

hand and the offhand

warglaive of azinoth are needed to

Complete the set

and wield the mighty twin blades these

fel green borglaves

are the iconic weapon of illidan and

should you run the well of eternity

dungeon with a set of them equippedhe will even tell you curious weapons

you wield

such power you seem prepared

when you think of illidan you

automatically associate him as a demon

hunter with these impressive weapons

ever present

but he hasn't always been this way he

wasn't always a demon hunter with a

badass pair of wings

and he didn't always have these

warglaives the warglaives were not

specifically crafted for illidan

rather as their name implies the twin

blades of azenov

they belong to a doomguard commander


the burning legion

who was named you guessed it as


The story of the hearthstone lore

despite his weapons being fan favorites

we don't know all that

much about azenov the only information

that we have

it amounts to just a few sentences we

know that he's a powerful doomguard

commander of the burning legioncommander of the burning legion

and illidan has killed him over ten

thousand years ago

around the time of the war of the

ancients azeroth

does appear along with both his right

and left warglaives in the warcraft

trading card game

but then he was depicted as a fel green

terror guard

who wielded these blades whereas every

other source it tells us that he was

indeed a doomguard

just a minor mistake to be sure but it

does go to show that we really don't

know too much about the guy

the prologue of the ashes of outland

experience the way that you unlock the

demon hunter claws within hearthstone

it also has a retelling of the events of

the war of the ancients

the story is told by illidan which means

that we can't trust it a hundred percent

according to his version he met azenov

in the woodswhile still being that night elf mage i


the twin blades

their battle ended with illidan being

victorious and then sending out to the

palace to offer his allegiance to

sargeras and the legion

trying to infiltrate the organization

and work against the enemy from within

ever since then illidan has taken the

blades as his own

and learned to become quite proficient

with them fortunately for him

illidan probably didn't have to scramble

around for too long to find these two

huge glaves wielded by the doomguard

but players in world of warcraft they

aren't so lucky

both glaives have a relatively low drop

chance you need both of them for the set

So if we take a look at the weapons the

glaze themselves they have runes on

their blade

illuminated by the power thrumming

through each weapon

and have ancient soul binds linking thewrecks just outside of his cell

when tyrande fought away through the

guards to free illidan the magical bonds

that kept him imprisoned

they gradually loosened and although he

was still physically separated from the


they had lucid enough so that illidan

could use these ancient soul binds to

make them materialize in his hands quite

a lot of you have wondered over the

years about these pandaren that we can

see on the glaives

sadly there is no rich pandaren history

attached to the weapon

back then they just loved adding little

pandaren easter eggs wherever they


including on his glaives much like


another legendary weapon this one

wielded by king varian wrynn

the twin blades of azeroth they can also

be used as one mighty weaponor separated into two and used as

individual blades

so after being released by tyrande doing

his thing being banished from the elven


illidan and his now allies shunned by

those around them

would eventually come to call outland

home very much living the mantra

of go big or go home illidan was


on taking the title of lord of outland

for himself and established his land as

his very own stronghold

The story of the hearthstone lore

he and his allies they closed down the

portals through which the burning legion

troops would arrive

and then stormed their seat of power

which was the black temple

illidan wielded his mighty blades

against the pit lord magferedon

overcoming him before capturing and

imprisoning him beneath hellfire citadelit was here that illidan would once

again wield his blades against the

pitlord hoping to use the demonic blood

for his own purposes

wielding one glaive in each hand he

circled mcferridan

blade spinning as he caught into the

flesh of the demon

and let the blood pool to his feet and

he would also wield these potent


on his quest given to him by kiljaeden

on the mission

of destroying the lich king and

preventing arthas from merging with


at icecrown arthas and illidan they met

where arthas he wielded the mighty

frostmourne and he fought illidan

head to head the blade of the hungering


clashing with the deadly twin blades of


behold the twin blades of azerothillidan loaded

he flew up higher whirling the blades in

his left and right hands

and arthas realized that he favored

neither one two

magnificent vorglaves they can be

wielded as a single

devastating weapon or as you see

as two who was the favored weapon of a


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