The story of path of excile

The story of path of excile

The story of path of excile

 what's up fellow exiles this is Jason

and today I wanted to make a video

talking about the lower path of exile

path of exiles are free to play top-down

action RPG that features deep character

Customizations and an endgame that is

rewarding as it is frustrating it is one

of the best hack and slash RPGs of this

generation and the game offers lower a

lot of lore over 2000 years worth of

history but the important thing to

remember is that history and rate class

is cyclical in nature with empires

rising and dying to cataclysms all of

which is centered around the beast under

the mountains of highgate lives of

beasts what it is exactly is unclear but

the beach is often referred to as a

nightmare or a darkness it is

tremendously powerful a bit like the

monsters in the Cthulhu Mythos the


is also said to be the source of all

vomit ergy Samaha author g which is

basically magic and under the same

mountain came the virtue gems virtue

gems are basically skilled gems but also

so much more what we are told is that

there is some sort of intelligencedecided gems which can be mutated and

changed so what we see in game will we

put in mana and cast a spell well that

is just the tip of the iceberg when it

comes to gem abilities if the beast is a

SOurce of some authors you then the


are its interface how we interact with

magic with those two basics out of the

way we can begin our story and like any

good story we start at the very

beginning it is now 2,000 years before

Our exile and we turn our attention to

the ball the most prominent figure at

the time was Queen at ciri ruler of the

vault Empire she was described to be

very beautiful but also very

The story of path of excile

narcissistic in vain she held court in a

room full of mirrors and that she did so

completely in the nude at her right hand

WA story Ani he was said to be an

exceptionally talented samaa ostriches

basically a royal magician study and

manipulated gems which they've all

called the tears of mochi a searing

wanted eternal youth and she passed

oriani to find a way using Samaha 30 in

response door eonni requested human

sacrifices it is worth noting that thevol had been practicing human sacrifices

for a long time

Midori ani was greedy he wanted more

lotmore enough to create a river of

blood and Siri agreed and time pass

midoriyama sacrificing more and more

people until one night the Harvest Moon

shown especially bright that night and

by then the vault Empire had blooded

citizens dry Dory Yanni was ready to

perform a ritual something he called the

communion the gems or the tears emoji

were moved to a place called Dorian's

cradle and there Dorion Il performed a

ritual that would ascend the vault into

eternity the specifics of the ritual are

unclear but we are led to the belief

that it failed because a serie died or

eonni died and the vault people died as

well in a corruption was released and

brought the dead back to life is

monsters a cataclysm a cataclysm it was

a cataclysm but there was also evidence

that the results of the rituals plan for

door eonni had received visions in the

days leading up to the event possibly

influencing its actions perhaps it's a

work of a beast or perhaps it's

something more sinister either way onthat day the vault Empire came to an end

the vault Empire had fall their empire

from here we move forward by 400 years

it is now sixteen hundred years before

our exile a group calling themselves the

as Mary a nomadic tribe from the

mountains came upon the ruins of the

Valle civilization and there they fought

off the monsters left behind by Dory

Anees Communion and upon the ruins in

the vault Empire founded the eternal

Empire with a city of Sauron at his

heart the people the new Empire looked

upon the remnants in the vault and made

a sold well to keep their eyes open and

to stand vigilant to the dangers of

thaumaturgy they did this by bearing the

leftover virtue gems under the high

gates mountains and outlawing the study

and use of gems with this decision theEmpire actually sought page for quite

some time and over the next thousand

years nothing really important happens

but wait there's more well there are

several small events that are worth

mentioning such as one story where

emperor by the name of Romero found


The story of path of excile

that his wife at birth to kids who

weren't his so he goes completely insane

which is the two kids and serves him up

in the feast a Romero's banquet and


hell the series of events ended up with

star burning and then it was a story of

Merville who had been turned into a fish

by an amulet with a corrupted virtue gem

a thousand year passes and it's now 281

years before exile and the trend among

the Emperor's at this

I was to practice incest to breed within

the family bow chicka Bow Wow awawa

inter is aural the current emperor of

the time the poor guy was so inbred he

was a bit like a potato

unable to father children and create a

line of succession

he took inspirations from the past

remember the is married people the

original founders of the eternal Empire

well they had an ancient trial that

determine the right of succession darl

took the ancient right and ramped it up

times a hundred beginning the

constructions of a vast . 

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