The story of the star citizen

The story of the star citizen

The story of the star citizen

 welcome to star citizen school go ahead

and get settled in because we got a lot

to cover today's topic


star citizen

for you

let's get it

most game development follows a


formula pre-production production and

post-production just like film but what

you typically don't see are the moving

parts in between especially related to

the business side

finding the publisher waiting for you

with open arms and a lot of promises

then comes the deadlines and


that end up with a rushed product that's

a clear departure from the original


just like film how does this relate to


cig is bypassing the publishers which

gives them the agility and the time to

create what they believe will be the

best damn space sim ever

from the votes for stretch goals which

expanded the scope of the game to

seeingplayer feedback being implemented star

citizen backers have been heavily

involved in what the game has and will|


but and for some of you this would be a

big but i like big butts and it cannot

lie the fact that they have the agility

means and the time to create an insane

product means if you decide to jump into

the verse you need your own agility in


The story of the star citizen

or rather you need to possess attributes

of flexibility and patience to have a

blast and be ten toes down with the rest

of us as we ride this thing out to the

promised land

flexibility is a required commodity

because star citizen is constantly

improving and evolving the way we play

from the flight model all the way down

to how your item inventory is handled is

radically different from 2014 when

backers first flew their ships in arena

commander and usable items trickled in

Over time

and it'll be different in the future

when all items are physicalized and

stored in lockers and other placesaround your ship

everything you learn when you jump in

might not be relevant down the road and

it's a good thing rather than plunking

something down in front of you and

saying here go get good just saying hey

try this out and give us feedback on

what's working for you and what could

use some tweaking

so there'sa dialogue between players

and the developers to help shape a

beautiful experience

but then we get down to patience

you'll definitely find out if you

possess it with star citizen for the

most part you'll be flying and walking

around doing missions or any credits or

just touring the place in staring at how

incredible it all looks without any

problems if it was a consistently

unplayable bug fest this video would

have been made twO years ago and that

would have been the end of my ride

don't get it twisted the bugs are out

there and they can create enough

problems to say

yeah i think i'm done for the night

however that's not typical of theOverall experience some folks are

running to more issues than others and

some folks are running the less that's

just how it goes but if there's one

piece of advice that you should use if

nothing else install star citizen on a


wont get into best system specs on a

game that's not optimized yet but take

the advice about the ssd huge difference

all the way from the point of loading

the game up and onwards

crashes have been rare and if the server

happens to crash there's a recovery

system in place now so you can recover

your ship in the same state it was

before the crash

there's other stuff that can happen like

elevators not rendering in or

performance issues if it happens and

you're patient and wait 30 seconds or so

you'll get your elevator or if you don'tmind waiting for a hot fix or the next

patch the performance ends up improved

at the end of the day alpha game

development is for implementing


not smoothing out the satin sheets to

the polish of a finished game

if you understand that then you should

stick around

all this means nada if it's not the game

you're looking for if its not the type

of experience you want to be a part of

is there enough to do

to see is it fun how is the community

will they help me out these are the

questions that for the most part only

you can answer but to help you find it

here's what i can tell

you content-wise you got several mission

types some legal some not so much it's a

space game so you know you got


The story of the star citizen

based missions that are happy going

dakka daca on everything from the

smallest racers to big capital ships

plus when you're tired of your cheats

being compressed you can get out the

seat and fight on the ground or an eva

it's boarding a ship and taking down

hostiles morio cup of tea they got itfor one of my giveaways we took a big

refueling ship parked the space

ambulance next to it then brought in a

drop ship full of folks who jumped out

floated and fought their way to the

refueling ship then fought their way

through it to find a hidden object to

win the prize combat has some variety


not everybody wants to pull out the pew

pews though and for that crowd you


find yourself floating through abandoned

space stations reading logs and trying

to recover a lost item or you might

choose to be a delivery boy instead

picking up packages and dropping them

off for being a mule with some space


maybe take a job destroying a legal

product instead or you could be useful

to other players by responding to

medical emergency beacons making your

way to them to either heal them. 

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