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could be something to that i suppose

what happened to us it must have had

Some effect you're more like me than you


you'll see but it goes both ways

maybe you're becoming more like me nah

no way

all looks clear the area looks deserted

i see no patrols

the huge thing is the collection unit

and see the antennas

each antenna collects microwave energy

from satellites in orbit

that's then converted into electric


antennas running ways down the

interstate we set off a chain reaction

that starts in the collection unit

then each antenna will emita massive

emp burst while our av

flies right into our net we just have to

send out the pulse at the right moment

let's go get her when we arrive at the

station you overload the systems

ill set up a bypass link for the

detonatorwhy don't i start with the transformers

make mayhem in the relative voltages

rest should move faster after that not a

bad idea

that's just yeah yeahi know the


but they shouldn't be a problem lI

just crank everything up past

max seems we'd think alike

So what now we wait we should time our

arrival to the av flight plan got it

good time to roll

done anything like this before downing

an av

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by myself no why do you ask

power station emp the systems

networks came up with a really solid


thank you how you approach things that's

the trick

mine is the aaa wait what now


assembly action whatever your task

you do three things start by assessing

what you already have and what you'll


the problem then you plan with thosevariables in mind

take what you have get what you need

assemble things people

finally you take action simple got one

word for you

t-shirts triple-a it's al you need to

lead the good life

that end the occasional cold beer

your method triple a that all you

not at all i learned it from the alta

caldos mentioned scorpion

they were trained in something like it

during the war then they made it their


it's come in handy i can't deny and it

will again now

what if uh something goes ass up

well then your ass had better improvise

did you really think id just give you a

foolproof secret to success

gotta say almost had me believing just


you're too much sometimes fee

okay we'll be there in a moment one last


we drive in (_]up the system and getthe hell out of there

hold on tight this could get a little


get ready okay

i'm ready


is that all of them provided we hurry

find the controls ill connect the

detonator quick fee

ah [_]

find the controls



ah [_]i think we might have overdone

it pan ham hell survive

do you see that all lit up and blinking

like a chris

you wanted 11. you got 11. yeah

let's get out of here before it lights

us up too

v get the [LJout before something

happens to the chance for the tip

you knowi was just about to set up a

picnic maybe layout work

watch out the next one night johnnyokay im fine it's

it's okay just it's okay im fine

yeah just

dealt to the [_Jout not the cleanest

job perhaps

but it still went well what about the

detonator is it working

yes it's working and i don't even see a

drop in the signal strength

we just need to drive far away enough to

keep the pulse from blasting us too

the cliff there we'll set up it should

give us a good view of the antennas

and then we wait okay

here always wanted to push the big red

button on something like this

how do we know when don't worry ill

have eyes on it

you just wait for my signal then set off

that pulse

they wont know what hit them

and by the way what we are about to

knock a multi-million euro dollar kang

tao asset clean out of the sky

how does that make you feel blastingsmells

it's all gone wind just intensifies it

think i forgot quiet exists

though maybe not the smells i mean the


rather hard to miss thought that was

just the air freshener and you thorton

screw you you'd do better to focus on

the av

keep your eyes open

it's there coming from pacifica










all right get ready one more second

one more now boom

there she is [_]what's going on

one more now boom

there she is [_] what's going on

great just greatthere she is [_]what's going on

great just great


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pan am the engines are still running

[L] they're getting away they're going


we gotta go after it give me a moment

pan am what are you doing

that's how you do it it's losing


we got the bastard let's

we go it no way it stays in the air

after a blast like that they either land

or crash you catch that over

maybe unmarked losing out

there scorpion what the hell finishing

up at the generators

follow them on my way in a bit battery

jump out pan am don't go near that av i


do not approach the av on the way or

ll start the party without

it wait for me or better get the hell

out they probably want to help the


without knowing it's corporate they

can't hear me

the pulse is interfering

radar yes get ready

they're trying to slow us down we wontwe have to arrangement

hold on tight going on autopilot

i know


[LJglasses don't wanna open

just a second

it's nothing im fine okay

for the time being at least time being

saw i

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