The story of the work Memes

 The story of the work Memes

The story of the work Memes


i'm talking like hiding in the wires at


catching people coming out of the vent

i'm talking stupid ways to win

like repeating the same word over and

other word uh the first game is me

yes repeating the same word over and

over again im only allowed to use

one word to defend myself i dont know

how it worked

im imposter alright so before we're

playing a game where everyone could



one word chat um but as a continuation

of that

im only gonna say one word if this not

everyone is following that rule this


it's only gonna be me but since i'm

imposter im only gonna say one word

that's my plan no matter what they ask


i'm saying one word and that word is

interesting that's all i'm gonna say

it's just the word interesting all right

i just need someone to come over here

dude someone please come to this part


the map

wipe out my board deluxe easy mate


mate see you deluxe

good playing with you man im gonna godown here and do trash

i'm down here doing trash this is giving

me good alibis

considering îm not going to say

anything i need a good alibi

hey what's uh where's everybody at right


interesting me rob and lennon are in


The story of the work Memes

trapped in interesting all i can say is

ive been absolutely

smashing tasks so like im interesting

i am crushing all right im voting

landon interesting

detective beam what what are you doing


where were you interesting

i might be getting a little bit scuffed

but i think they're on to my whole

interesting strat you know they're

watching me dude they re watching me

they're watching here im going south

im going to react to mate

anyone to wipe out anyone to wipe out

here i want to kill

i want to kill my mate make my mate


wiped out rob real quick let's talk him

out real quick

they'll never suspect me i only say one

singular word

ho-ho-ho and my boy

vic did you not see the the body when

you're running out of electrical yeahinteresting interesting deal

you don't say something other than


interesting where was the body where


the body it was an electrical right uh

where you do all the tasks i didn't go

up there i literally went turned the

lights on and ran straight out and saw



anyway interesting it's not [_]me

damn it dude

interesting interesting

he's gonna win by scene interesting

my life oh

he's gonna wait like 10 seconds and then

call a reactor all we're going to do is

get a singular kill

all we got to do is get a singular kill

and we win i want the kill damn it

i want the kill dammit i think boom is

going to get it

surely boomer gets it

interesting interesting

interesting very interesting

so dumb it's very interesting

i was like it's lana he walked in im

like im dead

and he's just gonna say interesting

for this imposter round i am going to

win a game without leaving

electrical now the only reason thisi look like

it worked holy it worked

good luck good luck

all right so i have a plan i've laid the

groundwork this time as an imposter

i'm gonna sit in a single room and

that's it that's it im just gonna sit

in a single room and kill anyone that

comes into this room i kinda might need

sidearms to get voted out like

earlier because i need time to set this

up all right


i didn't i didn't plan for two people

i've done nothing but sit here the whole

time i haven't done any killing yet blah

blah blah they're just gonna talk crap

the whole time

i don't care ive done nothing i just

want to kill i think it's safe to vote

sidearms here

anybody think side is cool anybody think

side is good all right well uh my

teammate just got voted out so

now the meme can really begin all right

going back into my space

now at least no more killing should

happen all right no more killings

should happen at all i just need people

to come to electrical

im sitting in my hearty hole

did you just poo your pants yeah and

muted mid my bad damn that sucksthat's happened to me beforei was an

admin with deluxe lights went off

i saw deluxe run out of admin into

storage so if you saw

me in storage lights were out dumbass

question is

The story of the work Memes

where was the body it was headlights all

right well that's what matters

i never made it see i'm in electrical


but like i didn't go do lights because i

didn't want to leave my hiding spot no

actually a lizard i don't i don't

actually believe that i think this is

laser the reason why i believe it's

laser is

i was doing it you're a killer and

you're hanging out a lot

electrical like a weirdo yeah what no


yep i mean if we got sidearms we can

also skip but that's a weird little sus

from nogla

born win here guys prove it mate prove

it prove your point prove your point

im doing my job here nogla mate i

didn't get voted out

this they're suspecting me damn it i

think they've uh i think they've seen

through my plans

i think they've seen through my plans

i'm going back to electrical i have to

make them believe

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