The story of the Fall Movie

 The story of the Fall Movie

The story of the Fall Movie

let's talk about the movie fall which is

the latest from Lionsgate and we've all

seen this trailer I think the first time

I saw this trailer was during Jurassic

world and I was just wondering to myself

what is gonna happen in this movie right

like this movie seems so simple will it

really be a whole movie for like over an

hour and it turns out it is it has

twists it has turns it has drama in it

and it just has a ton of some gross that

stuff so let's talk about this movie

fall and it's ending so if you havent

seen the movie definitely go check out

the movie first come back to this video

but if you have and you want to check it

out what I thought about some certain

things and all of that as well as that

ending stay here and maybe if you'd only

want to watch the movie and just want to

know what happens stay here but let's

talk about it so fall pretty much deals

with these two friends who are going out

to climb this old radio tower begin

Hunter a year prior had gone on a

climbing Expedition as well with Becky's

husband Dan and what happened there


The story of the Fall Movie

tragedy Dan actually fell to his death

and so Becky has been sort of dealing

with all of this grief and loss for so

long anda year in Hunter decides that

the best thing that they can do rightand sort of get Becky back out into the

world and dealing with things and so we

see this happen they go to this old

radio tower it all seems to be going. 

then the ladder just completely

collapses now stranded they are trying

to figure out a way to get back down

they barely have any water they aren't

getting any reception and their drone is

at the bottom in a backpack with some

more water so they really are in a quite

a predicament they then see some


who they're trying to get the attention

of to try and save them these people end

up just stealing their car and leaving

them there for sure no one's going to be

able to find them and no one would even

bother to look up this high right or

who's going to come out to the middle of

nowhere to try and save them so they are

trying to figure out things and then

through the whole torturous ordeal and

suffering through all of this Hunter

decides that hey I've been hiding

something and this only just comes up

too because Becky points out that she

has a tattoo that is something that Dan

would say with the 143 which stands for

I love you and she's pretty much like

why do you have this tattoo hunter getsthat her and Dan had been having an

affair and that that was the reason for

her tattoo on top of dealing with all of

this about being stuck on top

of this dealing with the loss of your

husband and now also dealing with the

fact that your best friend was cheating

on you with your husband Becky is now

going to pretty much figure out what am

I gonna do here right I'm stuck in such

an like disgusting position and there's

no way for me to get out Hunter decides

that the only way for them is to get

that drone and get it across somewhere

to delivera message so she decides to

go down to get them so once hunter gets

down there and gets the backpack she is

brought back up by Becky and then she

has a slip but her fall is broken by the

backpack and then they're able to get

back up so what they eventually do is

they decide to get this drone sent out

to the diner with an SOS message on it

to sort of get the people like over here

but this drone gets hit by a truck so

there's the luck that Becky's having


they then decide to get the phone into a

shoe in order to be able to drop it to

the ground and maybe all the messages

and calls they were trying to do finallydehydration in the mix of all of that

and now Hunter has been dead down


for this whole time as she sees she then

decides that the only way she's ever

gonna survive is getting down there and

eventually using Hunter's body as a sort

of cushion as well so what she ends up

doing is right before she can even do

this she has to get some strength so she

gets a vulture and eats it these

The story of the Fall Movie

vultures had been sort of trying to eat

them and so it kind of made into a Twist

that now she is the one eating the

vulture with Disney you found strength

she's able to get down there put the

phone in the shoe put the shoe inside of

Hunter's cavity that has been now open

due to everything that's been going on

with the vultures and the drop and all

of that and drops the body down once


body's down the messages go through


Becky's father and also the rescue team

are able to come help her and that's our

end so I thought that this was an insane

movie and definitely really had you

thinking about different things

throughout | like the whole Hunter twist

as well we've seen this twist be done in

many other movies as well and I think

that it's definitely done well here it

really gets you by then because it

really did feel like she was there but. 

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