



welcome to the complete story for

Bioshock in this series we're going to

be going over all the games and extra

bits that make up for the Bioshock plot

alright the skimmer time guys this sir

is supposed to be five parts long and

this episodes already a prologue so any

parcel we've left out a most likely for

a reason but don't worry we're going to

give you enough information so you can

at least follow a discussion about the

game we're going to go over the key

characters and the key plot points so

that it can flow properly but if we miss

something let us know in the comments

down below

lastly if you catch a mispronounced


or place it get over it and French head

in my best without being said time forstory mode voice Andrew how does he


that Andrew Ryan that's him right here

was a Russian citizen he grew tired of

how the government was running his

country the feeling that the weak or

parasites has he put them were relying

on the upper class to sustain them so he

fled from Russia and headed to America

where he believed a great man could

really prosper he devoted himself fully

to his new countrya grateful for the

wealth and fame he was rewarded for his

intellect and determination however when

the social program spread across


he felt the same feeling he felt in

Russia you know that the whole parasites

being supported by the upper class yeah

anyway that the destruction of Hiroshima

with the atomic bomb was the final strawfor Ryan so he set out with the fortune

he had built for himself and started to

work on his new project the underwater

city of Rapture


the construction of rapture began in

1946 with Ryan using his own private

steam liner to transport building

supplies to where the city would be

built which was located in this area

it's right there see it there wasa

building platform constructed nicknamed

the sinker which was used to lower

supplies and karoon to the site

Ryan hired the architectural firm Wales

in Wales to design rapture and turn it

into a metropolis that was a perfect

utopia where art industry and science

would expand undisturbed by outside

forces and governments rupture wasdesigned to be entirely self-supporting

and it was powered entirely by undersea

volcanic vents hundreds and thousands


people from around the world emigrated

to rapture if they were approved by and

join obviously but these people weren't

allowed to tell anyone where they were


so these mass disappearances came to


known as the vanishing on a surface well

we all know that in reality they were

all in rapture and that they were there

because Ryan believed they were the best

examples of humankind unfortunately


city was not designed to house all the

workers needed to construct it while all

the elite population filled the

metropolis the workers were left inleaking crowded in what was meant to be

temporary housing in an area called

Pappas job the contrast between the


and the upper-class citizens was ignored

by Ryan and his ruling council one thing

Ryan did acknowledge though is that the

citizens were becoming anxious due to

the isolation of Rapture and the lack of

Sun heed therefore invited a renowned


Sofia Lampe to come down to rafter and

help people cope with life under the sea

even though her philosophy was

completely different from Ryan's

obviously it didn't take long to cause

problems as she was devoting much of


effort to the poor citizens which made

her become a significant political rival

of Ryan around the same time dr. Brigidproblems as she was devoting much of


effort to the poor citizens which made

her become a significant political rival

of Ryan around the same time dr. Brigid

Tenenbaum was walking around in an


called Neptune's bounty when she


a man playing catch nothing special you

might think except this man's hands were

previously paralyzed due to a war injury

after questioning him it was revealed he

had been bitten by a sea slug well the

man apparently kept it so Tenenbaum

asked if she could study it she realizedbegan a search for someone who could

fund her research she was blown off by

all these scientists in rapture but at

some point she approached Frank



a businessman with a well known name


Neptune's bounty he agreed to phone her

as long as he can make profit of her

findings in the end what sanim bone

didn't realize though is that she was

making business with a man who was

making his fortune running a smuggling

ring that brought contraband items from

the surface into rapture she began her

search and she discovered that the

substance the species of sea slugscreated work like stem cells using it

she was able to manipulate DNA entirely

as a matter of fact she was able to cure

diseases fix birth defects and

ultimately rewrite the humans genetic

code allowing them to do things never

before possible in a sense she was able

to give them super powers or abilities

she believed his substance was a rebirth

for Humanity and so it was dubbed atom

now is shortly after the discovery of

Adam another breakthrough was made

scientists realized that if the slow was

implanted in a host it would generate as

much as 20 to 30 times more Adam than

inits natural state originally they tried

implanting slugs into a selection of

different hosts but only one type of

subject worked well and these were


girls so after this discovery they

started in planting slugs into young

girls but they needed a ready supply of

hosts to mass-produce Adam which is


Fountaine wanted Fontaine decided to

disguise his motives as charity work and

So he .

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