Star wars Battlefront 2

Star wars Battlefront 2

Star wars Battlefront 2


 the story of Star Wars Battlefront 2 is

one of surprising importance to the

greater Star Wars universe

you play as commander I Denver C0 the

leader of an imperial Special Forces

team called Inferno squad accompanied


agents Gideon HASC and del Miko


squad is a covert black ops team of the

Empire the game starts out a few days

before the Battle of Endor as seen in

Return of the Jedi

iDEN has let herself be captured by the

rebellion in order to infiltrate and

sabotage an encrypted Imperial

transmission detailing the ambush

waiting for the rebellion on Endor

liberating herself thanks to her droid

she sabotages the data and gets herself

extracted by the squad following these

events the Battle of Endor goes

according to plan with Inferno squadbeing sent into the fray

to assist the Imperial ground forces in

the middle of the battle the Death Star

- explodes leaving the Imperial forces

scattered and broken Inferno squad

evacuates the forest moon in a desperate

escape and regroups with Eden's father

and Commander Admiral Garrick versio in

his Star Destroyer where he informs her

that the Emperor died in the explosion

in the events of his death the Emperor

left a messenger to instruct the Empire

on how to carry out his final commands

operation cinder a planet weather

Star wars Battlefront 2

manipulation grid used to wipe out all

life on planets eden is sent along with

her squad to oversee the operations at

the space station orbiting her homeworld

of varios an imperial loyal planet the

rebellion ambushes the Imperial forces

at the station and iDEN boards the enemy

capital ship to destrov it from withinthus allowing operation cinder to resume

as planned in the meantime del miko has

been sent to the remote world of pilio

to find and destroy the emperor's secret

vault he soon finds himself stuck ina

cave unable to escape where he meets

Luke Skywalker who is also looking for

the vault the to form an unlikely

alliance as del questions why Luke the

enemy had heard so much about chose


help him

- which Luke's

Elly responds because you asked

eventually they find the vault door but

Dell is unable to open it or even find

anywherea key would go Luke tells him

there's only one key and opens the door

with the force shocking Dell who soon

questions why the emperor would have a

door that can only be opened with the

force Luke tells him that he was rightto be afraid of force wielders but was

fearing the wrong ones his whole life

before parting Luke's Luke asks if he

can keepa compass he finds in the

Emperor's vault

- which Dell responds that he has orders

to destroy everything why would he let

him do that

Luke simply says because I asked and


two part ways

sidenote the compass Luke is seen

picking up has been spotted in various

Star Wars Episode eight promotional

material items soon discovers that the

first target of cinder is her homeworld

of var DOS not understanding why the

Empire would target one of its most

loyal systems she demands answers


her father who tells her that in order

to maintain a tight grip through fear

this must be done they get into a heatedthis must be done they get into a heated

exchange and she is sent to var dos to

extract a key Imperial assets and bring

her back to safety the team makes its

descent as the blasts start hitting the

planet causing massive storms all over

it on the walk to the Imperial assets

Ida and Dell start questioning how the

Empire could do such a thing to their

own people but are soon interrupted by


who states that it's necessary to spread

fear echoing her father's words

the three arrive at the palace where the

asset is being kept and start evacuating

her and the civilians which enrages hask

s' stating that the civilians are not

important and that the orders were to

get the asset and only the asset thisiDEN as she and ellis gain an injured

hask calls ITINs father to tell him that

his daughter has committed treason


Star wars Battlefront 2

niden now fugitive fight their way to

their ship and escape eventually the two

decide to surrender to the rebellion to

stop cinder

once captured general lando calrissian

interrogate them and believing their

story offers to either let them go live

a new life or to help in the struggle

against the Empire the to accept and now

paired with a rebel named Shrieve

assists the rebellion in destroying the

cinder satellites around the planet

Naboo where eventually they land andassist Princess Leia Organa in retaking

the planet from the Empire a few months


iDEN and del decide to go after ITINs

father and capture him thusly

thus dealing a huge blow to the imperial

war effort the two ventured a Bespin

where they infiltrate an imperial mining

base in the hopes of getting to hask

now promoted commander once they


in hask Sophos a message left by hask

plays telling them that they've fallen

into his trap and that he and her fan

titans father are already long gone

iDEN and del fight their way out of the

station and sabotage the start the StarDestroyer refueling base before making

their escape soon afterwards

iDEN is informed that the Empire is on

its last legs on the planet jakku the

rebels launch a full-scale assault

against the empire with iDEN and del

providing air support their ID ins

father arrives in his Star Destroyer

tasks gets into his TIE fighter and

attack Sidon who shoots him down

presumably killing him iDEN then insists

on boarding her father's exploding Star

Destroyer to try and get him out crash

landing on the Star Destroyer she makes

her way to the bridge

where she and her father exchange .

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