Sally face

 Sally face

Sally face


sadly face is an indie punch-and-click

adventure game with a focus on history

and a dark theme and full of

supernatural mysteries in addition to a

very bizarre and creepy art in a good


available for pc on the scene about the

plot the story takes places in the 90s

and we follow sally's sinister adventure

as he moves into the edson apartments

with his father after the death of his

bonder sally has a prosthetic face and a

tragic past due to his appearance sally

was bullied at the old school and was

calling sally face but he decided to

adopt the name so the bullying would

lose its effect an interesting strategyto use against bully as we explore the

building we get to know the neighbors

and discover that a murder took place

the day before sally arrived there we

befriend larry a young metalhead who

claimed to have witnessed the crime

Scene but has no hard evidence to

present to the palace also the building

is rumored to be haunted and has ghosts

basically this is what the story

develops from and it's told in 5


warning this video contains spoilers

about the game cell phase from now on


Sally face

i strongly recommend you play sally facesally face is a game that sends a lot of

different messages about life and about

the problems that we usually face

especially regarding our relationships

with other people and with ourselves and

how we end up putting a lot of pressure

on ourselves because of the problems

that surround us i think the main

message of the game is about how is

worth finding good friends and being

part of a social group that accepts you

for who you are not because of your

physical appearance or the things you

have or appear to have and often we arejudged by our appearance our exterior

which in depth making difficult to find

people genuinely interested in who we

really are especially if you were

bullied like sally sal is a great person

he's a character empathizes and you like

him very quickly however at the

beginning of the story we see that sally

face is actually a nickname used to

bully sally but that he adopted for

himself as a way of fighting bull but

when he meets his new friends

none of them care about his mask and

they are interested in who he really is

and they end up making a great friend

that's why we must fight for those truebonds just as sally and his friends

fight for each other especially in the

final moments of the game after all

there are rare bonds to find out there

however this struggle is often full of

challenges and very difficult choices a

moment in the game that represents this

very well and that was very striking for

me was when the darkness is consuming

everyone in the building while they

lived their own lives kind of alienated

from everything that was happening

around them watching tv listen to music

at the party etc just leaving and right

after this part you need to kill

everyone in the building to preventdestroyed by the darkness

man this part there was one that made


think too much because of two things

the first is the issue of people

alienating in the add some apartments

from all the that's going on

around them

interestingly sally and larry had had a

conversation a few moments before this

phase about exactly that about how


people managed to live happy and kind of

alienated from the surrounding problems

and how they couldn't ignore it all and

they end up living sad because of it

that's very true but i don't want to bephase about exactly that about how


people managed to live happy and kind of

alienated from the surrounding problems

and how they couldn't ignore it all and

they end up living sad because of it

that's very true but i don't wat to be

that boring guy who only talks bad about

alienation you know and who care too

much about the problems of the world i

think the sweet spot is the balance

between solving reality problems and a

little of alienation true in the game

the two groups are kind of at oppositerealizing that their souls were being

consumed by the darkness that harvard


Sally face

the environment

sally's group on the other hand was

fighting bravely to resolve the whole

situation but they were all a little

depressed frustrated and hurt in some

way and the game showed this


that is present in sally due to all the

pressure he ended up putting on himself

to solve all these problems and all the

nightmares he had to his scene with ash

at the lake was one of the best parts of

the game for me at least where they both

scream and kill their voices go through

the sky sort of trying to get all the

weight and anguish of their chest

i think anyone who has gone through a

difficult time and a lot of stressdemands and a lot of pressure has felt

that same desire to shout and throw

everything away the second question that

made me think about this apartment


was how sadly is kind of forced to

choose what is the right thing to do to

end the evil of the code but this

requires a very high cost to pay he

needs to exterminate everyone in the

edson apartments


he liked it and loved it using this

situation as a metaphor i kept thinking

about how life put us in a similar

situation and no im not talking about

to go around like a serial killer or

something like that that's not it

what i mean is that maybe this similar

situation is a big dream of yours .

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