



 Steel from its creation all the way

through the Fallout franchise and its

eventual role in fallout 76 ad Victorian

now before you ask where fallout

Brotherhood of Steel the game was in

this video

due to its inconsistencies with the

story and the fact that it was declared

non-canon by Bethesda Softworks we

decided to just sweep it into a vault

for another day January 7th 2077 the

mariposa military base naturally the US

and China are vying for military

supremacy on January 7th Colonel


spindle and his military team are

regulated to the newly constructed

Mariposa military base in order to keep

an eye on the shady research happening

there turns out the research is just

about the shadiest kind there is

horrific human exXperimentation I'm notsure how the Army was sleeping through

the screams at Mariposa that seems

pretty hard to miss the scientists were

experimenting on prisoners of war with

the forced evolutionary virus or FEV in

an attempt to generate a sort of mutant

super soldier but instead of getting

Captain America they got super mutants

not the most wholesome or patriotic

creatures October 10th to October 20th

2077 captain Roger Maxson

a few days shy of the great war Colonel

Robert spindle discovers the truth about

the experiments happening at Mariposa

five days later he succumbs to the guilt

and commits suicide in his place captain

Roger Maxson


the clear hero that we deserve and

spindell's second in command starts

interrogating the scientists andlearning more about their experiments he

ends up executing the entire scientific

research team for their crimes against


Maxon is so pissed that on october 20th

he declares his desertion from the

United States Army via radio October

23rd 2077 the Great War the US Army

however left Maxon on hold to deal with

the Chinese

three days after Maxon's desertion the

world was plunged into a nuclear

holocaust on Saturday October 23rd


nuclear weapons were launched and


had taken humans centuries to build was

destroyed in a span of two hours the

nukes had demolished the majority of

civilization giving birth to the

treacherous and unforgiving wasteland

of fallout back in Mariposa captainMaxon and his men and their families

survived the onslaught by taking shelter

in the Mariposa military base the FEV

however had been accidentally released

and was making its way into the newborn


you can thank FEV for some of the more

awful creatures you encounter such as

the centaurs

death claws and super mutants oh why

November 2077 the Exodus and the

beginning of the Brotherhood on October


captain Maxim is finally fed up with

living next to giant vats of toxic virus

to relocate he takes his soldiers and

their families across the wasteland

sealing up the marip0sa base behind him

after a few weeks of hard travel he

leads his band of survivors to thesafety of Lost Hills a government

fallout shelter this journey came to be

known as the Exodus and it was here that

the Brotherhood of Steel was officially

born 2077 the Brotherhood of Steel

Appalachia chapter fallout 76 in the

Lost Hills bunker captain Roger Maxson

attempts to recruit any surviving

military personnel across the country

into his newly founded brotherhood of

steel after successfully contacting an

old acquaintance lieutenant Elizabeth

Taggert II he manages to bring her into

the fold setting upa chapter of the

Brotherhood of Steel in Appalachia

unfortunately that chapter is

short-lived every Appalachia Brotherhood

member is wiped out by the scorched by

year 2102 the brotherhood of steel okay

but what is the Brotherhood of Steel al

about dedicated to rebuildinaoriginal Brotherhood of Steel was run by

a council of elders that governed

internal affairs with roger maxson being

the head honcho hi elder structurally

the Brotherhood is like a blend between

the military and a church every member

of the Brotherhood has a rank which

determines their status and

responsibilities different chapters

sometimes have different ranks but here

are the ones that are consistent

throughout the brotherhood initiates are

new recruits in the process of training

scribes investigate and reverse-engineer

new technologies Knights are responsible

for the manufacturing of weapons and

other technology finaly paladin's are

raonnnoihlo far moinr onarationo anrncoother technology finally paladin's are

responsible for major operations across

the wasteland the 21 50s the rise of the

Brotherhood all along the post-war West

factions are rising up to stake their

claim in new California with their

energy weapons and power armor the

Brotherhood of Steel makes quick work



surrounding areas and becomes one of


dominant factions in the wasteland south

of the Lost Hills lies a growing Raider

group known as the Vipers a somewhat

shamanistic tribe the Vipers worship the

great snake and hunt with bone knives

and poisoned Spears a far cry from the

technology savvy members of the

Brotherhood the elders of theBrotherhood decided to destroy the

Vipers not because they were a threat or

anything it's just a training exercise

so they send a small detachment of

Brotherhood troops in power armor

because steel beats bones always the

Vipers however are bold ruthless and

hopped up on their pit viper venom the

Brotherhood ended up facing more than

they expected at this point in time the

Brotherhood is being led by high elder

Maxon the second son of the first high

elder Maxon the second leads the raiding

party himself but he doesn't stop to

think that a group called the Vipers

might be sporting poisonous weapons so

in  while elder Maxon has hishelmet off he gets nicked by a poison

arrow and dies a few hours later his son

Jon Maxon takes up the mantle of high

elder 21 61 to 2162

Super mutants and the master fal out

one by this point that released FEV

really worked it's magic the horrid

super mutants have been gradually but

inexplicably spreading across the


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