Eve online

 Eve online

Eve online


5,000 star systems is that all no there

İs more than that even over 7,000 men

counting unconnected wormhole


and 20 to 50,000 players logged into

this universe at any one time sharing

the same space in the same instance all

having an impact on the universe in some

way I find the challenge of explaining

the impact of EVE Online extremely

vexing since there is so much a common

phrase around the eve player community

is eve is real no other game has a

similar slogan to me the nature of EVE

makes it something more than just a


we Eve players use the phrase it's only

a game to console ourselves when things

get nuts

the phrase is our security blanket our

coping mechanism and Eve we deal with

real hard work real relationships real

reputation real friends real enemies

real leaders or tyrants in a myriad of

other very real things the list of the

reality impacting aspects of EVE go onand on now I've been told by you the

viewers subscribers and Friends that I'm

a pretty good storyteller I find all

this constructive feedback extremely

motivating and in about six years of my

Eve career there are probably several

good novels worth of content I've been

through a lot in my EVE career now I'm

not really a powerful or famous Eve


Eve online

relative to certain others in the game

at least not at the time of the creation

of this video l'm a very average player

in many respects except for one key

attributel am what others have called a

content creator which means I step

forward in the crowd and find creative

ways to have adventures which creates

stories that people will still tell even

after several years ambition is an

interesting emotion ambition on its own

can create tyrants but it can also

create leaders in my daily life | like

to consider humility an importantstrength but when I first started Eve

and was born as a capsuleer and

Bishan fueled the fire that would keep

me from quitting at least at the very

beginning others who have ambition asa

new player sometimes find themselves

burning out quickly when their great


perhaps born more out of ego than

anything are challenged and crushed but

so far although I've taken breaks the

fire of my ambition was never

extinguished this leads me directly into

the story of the birth of my main Eve

character Maximilian Bonaparte now


have been both friends and enemies in


Eve career I will be changing the names

of perhaps one or two of these Eve

characters out of respect perhaps even a

misguided sense of honour I consider

some of my old even and me slimy and

deplorable so I would hate to cause

issues for them in the game as I have

few in-game rivals now and it was solong ago that we're mostly over it

there's no need to reopen old wounds

that could trigger some kind of weird

conflict some form although conflict is

the driver of any good story and is

bound to happen regardless of any video

content I put out besides some of these

people have long since sold their

characters or quit the game also keep it

in mind

if I tell a story and you happen to be

in it or cast in a negative light you

may be another person with a similar

name altogether most adversaries I

mentioned I will not be changing the

names of and I will intentionally

narrate their sketchy behavior from my

Own perspective also most of these

stories occurred years or months in the

past there is a natural lag that will

eventually catch up to current events

but slowly as to protect my court mates

from too much attention too soon as

being a famous can certainly be aT had the potential to become my

capsuleer name maximilian strong

distinctive and from Gallente roots

their surname Bonaparte from the most

feared but respected military leader of

the modern era I chose this name


in Eve I had the potential to be my own

version of Napoleon I could rise to

power explore and control wide swaths


interstellar space become the beacon of

light for hundreds even thousands of

others spaceship flying nerds I could

forge a story and reputation that would

echo in the depths of cyberspace for

decades or could I because the first

thing that all men of power need is

knowledge and in this new microcosm I

had absolutely none I wasn't alone in

this as Rick can help chat is a constant

stream of questions and answers


Eve online

new and experienced players and it

appeared that it was gonna take a reallylong time to learn everything I needed

to know to fulfill my great ambitions in

fact I wasnt even clear about what my

ambitions were only that I was gonna be

something some way at least the NPC

career agents that inhabited the local

universities Space Station helped me to

vaguely understand what is needed for

various forms of money-making careers

that I could start on but I mean vaguely

understand you see eve has no manual at

that time it didn't even have much of a

flying tutorial like it does now

there were wiki articles created by the

player community for your reading

pleasure and it had lots of channels

that covered almost every topic clearly

no one person could know everything

about every aspect of EVE Online other

players were going to be key to helping

me get along in my chosen career I was

afraid of joining a player Corp thoughbecause it would mean commitment to a

particular career or play style and I

was just not sure what I wanted to do

yet now this mattered because what I

wanted to do would determine how|


adjust the training g-e f.

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