Tanki online

 Tanki online

Tanki online


Tanki again

yeah so that's the average reaction of a

tanky player coming back I started

playing around early 2013. the game was

great I thoroughly enjoyed it I even

spread it to my friends at the time but

man oh man over the years has a


just look how fun this wasit all started in the 1990s tWo friends

by the name of Anton volkov and Alex

karpovich created a simple top-down


battle game called tanks for two this

game was similar to other top-down

fighting games at the time and as the

name conveys only supports up to two

players in one round

this project is what prompted them to

create a multiplayer tank game it's

early 2000s now and they've createda

company together called alternative

platform with a small team assembled

they created an alternative a 3D engine

which would support their games and

developmentthe year is now 2008. with the dawn of

the fifth iteration of the engine a

small demo is constructed to bring their

idea for the 3D tank game to life simply

codenamed tanks this demo became the

prototype for Tanki Online this demo

will only include the three tank options

small medium and heavy these options


akin to the now wasp Hunter and


there was only one turret option however

which is what later becomes Smoky the

options worked as follows one shot to

kill the small two for the medium and

three for the large the demo also only

had one map which surprisingly unlikepretty much any other three game was

solve one 3D model instead of a base


Tanki online

with props on top of it this map had

some medium to tall buildings on unlike

Tanki actually had water with this demo

success volkov and karpovic's stream

started to become a reality and so began

the development of Tanki the year is

2009 and the game is being developed at

a very fast rate before the game was

even released it had already won an

award and the game developers


of 2009 it was awarded best game


a publisher this shows that even before

its release take it already receivedthis advertisement is actually what got

me into playing Tanki in the first place

anyway back to Tanki just a month later

on June 4th 2009 open Beta Testing of

the game began in the first days of the

game a community was already forming

developers played along with the players

to learn the bugs and such and at this

time prices were completely different in

this day unfortunately the game was very

glitchy and laggy on top of this at this

time there were also some realism Buffs

that are no longer present such as holes

wearing out to damage turrets wearingthe first aid kit which showed a photo

of a syringe unlike the later Red Cross

and nowWa combination wrench this icon

of a syringe is why players who used it

often became known as druggers


parkour was already surfacing as a

popular Pastime other players introduced

an idea for a racing mode and of which

never was fully implemented by but there

is one map that Still Remains from that

Concept Monte Carlo

on July of 31 st 2009 capture the flag

was introduced as a game mode


the later months of 2009 introduced was

also the double damage armor speed and

mine supplies at this time the turret

isada was also introduced developers

wanted to create a turret that could

both damage and heal and sober at the

city initially if players could heal

themselves using asita this made theturret very op because his players could

heal themselves so developers removed

that feature since then acid has

received very little to no changes this

is also the time when the first player

reached the maximum rank at Time

Marshal that player was known as


in Christmas of 2009 an item dropped

with 1000 crystals titled the gold box

was introduced to the game after this

the crystals were turned down to 100 and

left that way for this foreseeable

future by this time there are already

200 000 players in the game in the

dramatic worlds for the gold box were

much like those in today obviously with

muscles imagining them and Drake

in the end of 2009 Alternatives started

working on a new project simply known


Tanki 2.0 this project intended to be acompletely new game to surpass tanky

with better graphics Ul and so on

however this was canceled a year and a

half in the development but all the new

useful things would take it 2.0 intended

for the game were instead added back to

the original Tanki so back to Tanki it's

the only 2010s now and the game at up


Tanki online

4 milion active players also during

this time many new items were released

these are the Hull's Viking Hornet and

Mammoth these new turrets included

Thunder Ricochet and freeze many new

additions to the map list were also

added and the graphics were overhauled

somewhat with this new generation


for original weapons and holes dropped


it is also significant to note that at

this time taking became available in

China it also won set of the day onChina it also won set of the day on

favorite website Awards there were also

rumors about an in-development turret

shaft when it turned out to be a real

thing it became the most anticipated

tour in Yankees history according to

tanki's marketing department when shaft

released sold three times per second the

turret itself was so long on the fact

that when it was released it was twWO

times the size of the waspole the turret

itself was not much different than it is

today except for the fact that it

automatically shot once it was fully

charged but the turret did considerable

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