No mans sky

 No mans sky

No mans sky


since the beginning of the universe

countless unique entities have existed

after many generations of war and

advancements only three of these

entities reach the apex of evolution

these entities are known respectively as

the geck dominion also known as geck


first bonds

the corvax convergence

and the viking alliance for generations

the geck dominated the universe with

their sharp beaks and magical

enhancements they devoured every entity

they encountered whilst advancing out

from the center of the universe with


looking to dominate the other species

the geck used various methods such as

witchcraft demonic practices and

sacrificial ceremonies

meanwhile an unknown entity was


itself known amongst the outer edges of

the galaxythe galaxy

the errands also known as the sentinels

are mindless mechanical life-forms that

consist of different variations

from small drones to giant walkers to

starship carriers

No mans sky

it is said that the aarons used glass

from a realm known as the world of glass

in order to prevent life forms from

dying little is known about this realm

but it is said that death does not exist

there entering into the universe

effortlessly and with astonishing speed

the sentinels were quickly spotted by

the viking alliance and both entities

were soon engaged in a decades-long


later to be known as the endless war

the korvax soon began to worship the

aerons as gods

the viking known for their violent

dispositions are often involved in

conflicts of other entities instead of

eliminating every entity in the

encounter the viking instead wouldaccept the strong world and exile the

weak into the vast universe

having struck a peace treaty with the

geck the alliance focused their efforts

onto the ongoing war the corvax however

aimed to move as much knowledge from

their edge of the universe research base

and back to their home system as fast as

possible before the geck were able to

reach them meanwhile the viking sentinel

war continued herc the great war leader

of the viking alliance carried the

responsibility of leading the aliance


although herc rarely discussed tactical

options with his advisors during war he

Would have to make an exception and


her opinions on how to defeat the aarons

at one point our messenger was even


to consult the great witch of the gek to

help the viking win the war the aerians

on the other hand practiced the winner

takes all approach the war and for thenext few decades would influence

countless newborns into thinking the

sentinels existed in the first place as

gods of the universe and would punish

those who disobeyed

the war resulted in massive casualties

on both sides but eventually the erens

began to retreat leaving the viking

alliance to celebrate their victory

this period would later be referred to

as silence of the sentinels the korvax

are the most intellectual of the known

mechanical life-forms and through

technological advancements they wield


impressive power never to be used

against any other entities unfortunately

for the corvax however shortly after the

endless war their homeworld was chosen

as the next target of the gek due to

their wishes to enhance their knowledge

of demons and witches through the use


corvax technologies

the geck consumed the entire planet ofquarterbacks were enslaved by the geck

in what they called an act of mercy

the korvax were abused and neglected

even into their destruction where their

robotic bodies were stripped down and

melted into equipment for the first

spawn's war effort

the aerians attempted to provide aids to

the korvax who worshipped them as


but were ultimately unsuccessful in

their attempts

meanwhile the viking alliance continued

to celebrate their victory over the


however this triumph was short-lived the

gate did not stop with the destruction

of korvax prime and wanted the power

held by the viking along with her

quality craftsmanship of weapons andstarships

knowing the viking were still recovering

from the war they get landed a first

strike from many directions destroying

all who protect the turk and the viking

alliance to their last breaths

herc soon surrendered by the geck to his

Own life as an offering to the ancestors

it was rumored that the planet the

sacrifice took place on reigned for four

days and four nights of hail storms

freezing every one of the first ones

still on the planet the geck having

conquered all of their enemies

celebrated for days with corpses and

rivers of blood

it was at that moment that the aaron saw

an opportunity to come back and snuck


on the geck eradicating them almoston the geck eradicating them almost


the leaders of the first bonds refusing

to give up fighting were exterminated

into dust as a demonstration of power

held by the aerians within a year the

remaining geck were completely


No mans sky

by the sentinels and were forced to work

for them the remaining corvax having

witnessed these atrocities became

dismayed by the fact that they could no

longer protect themselves

and they get spawning pools hundreds of

korvax entities sacrificed themselves in


using the nanite clusters in their veins

in an attempt to rewrite the genetic

code of the first spawn embryosthey instilled the devotion to the atlas

and their minds and turned them into the

more modern commerce focused race

instead of the warriors and conquerors

they once were

this was the ultimate downfall of the

first spawn empire

other quarvats attempted to study the

errands using the casein and broken

technologies left in space from where

the viking alliances had fought the

sentinels however all they could find

was a small red marker within the casing

written in the language the corvax had

never seen before

the text resonated with researchers and

a rumbling vibe came into their mind

the atlasthis vibe was so immersive many of the


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