Steins gate

 Steins gate

Steins gate


My goodness was at one heck of a


just like steins gate stands get zero

goes all over the place but it's time

you why me stuff even if you've decided

to binge the show or you watched it

while it was airing we can all agree

that at times the time-travel stuff and

the overall plot got pretty confusing so

in this video I'll quickly cover

everything that happened in Stein's get

zero side note if you remember what

happened in steins gate I suggest you

check out my video summarizing the

entire season before watching this one

anyways let's get straight into it

Okabe has chosen to stay in the world

line we're curious who is dead claiming

no matter what he does he cannot make


to science gate and if you don't know

Stan's gate is the theoretical world

line about Kurusu and my Yuri live and

the world war 3 does not take place I

could be put aside his mad scientist

facade and for the past six months

Sousahas been pretending to be daaru sister

in order to keep her identity secret

from her future mother Yuki Okabe is

heavily traumatized from changing world


thus he refuses to help stirs her go

back in time to change the future later


Okabe attends a seminar presented by


cannon and his assistant maha during


seminar they both introduced an

artificial intelligence program which is

built upon kurosu's consciousness before

she died

maha demonstrates the ahmadiyya


Steins gate

immediacy amma days program by


an Al of herself which was implanted

memories of her from four days prior

this proves that Amadeus is capable of

self-awareness and is able to make its

own decisions after the seminar

Okabe and Maha chat for a little while

leading to okbut reveal that he was

curious who's friend Maha then invitesOkabe to have a chat with the kuru

Amadeus Al which has a version of cures

whose memories embedded into it eight

months prior to cures whose death les

cannon and Maha allow Okabe to be a

tester for Amadeus and as a result Maha

installs the Amadeus app onto his phone

thus allowing Oak Bay to talk to

ahmadiyya s- my uri holds a Christmas

party for everyone at the lab while

everyone is potting in a lab oka Bay has

a really cute conversation on the roof

of the Amadeus but Maher interrupts the

conversation and reminding Okabe that

the real kurosu is dead then oka BAE's

PTSD kicks in giving Okabe a vision of a

world line stricken by war

Okabe concludes the vision occur due to

his reading Steiner ability

aha explains to daaru that when she

travels back in time to the present she

brought along a future my URIs adopted

daughter named Calgary but was


from her in 1998 Luca calls up

requesting to meet up with Okabe and hisMoka informs daaru Souza and Okabe


a group of men in a foreigner have also

been searching for Calgary as well later

Maho confronts oka by telling him she

knows he's been ignoring Amadeus calls

suggesting he give up being a tester for

the Amadeus program Luca arised the


with a girl suffering from amnesia the

only link to anything from a past is an


0opah my uriens huzzah arrived at the

lab and the girl collapses as soon as

she sees my Yuri and Souza ha


the girl as a grownup karate my Yuri

being the car little nut she is except

scaredy's daughter like actions to water

and the two become exceedingly close


baguette smoker to continue to search

for the people who were looking for

caddy in the first place while the lab

members celebrate New Year's at the lab

amadeus calls Okabe revealing herself tomen break into the lab the armed men

attempt take a caddy but flee almost

immediately after daddy Braun enters the

lab to save the day with his sexy

anyways anyways proving that the group

which just attacked were not the same

people who attacked the lab members


in the og steins gate

Okabe convinces mr. Braun to help keep

Haggerty safe and Souza and Cagney


to work at mr. Braun store okay Barry

receives a static call from Amadeus

asking for help but before he can


Okabe experiences his reading Steiner

ability once again which leads him to

change to an alpha world line but

curious who was alive but my Yuri is


Okabe is stunned to see curacao alive

and later roams around a key Harbor for

a while meeting up with Faris Luca andKurisu confronts oka by telling him

she's figured out he's from another

world line and that she has actually

rebuilt the phone wave in this world

line Pierce who manages to convince

Okabe to go back to his world line by

taking him to my URIs grave kurosu tells

I could be not to interact with Amadeus

too much

Steins gate

because it could negatively affect his

world line all right now let's take some

time to appreciate how cool this next

bit is Caruso Anoka may kiss and it's

adorable icon always but what's even

more important is the D mail which is

sent in order to get oak away back to

his world line remember in episode 22 of

steins gate where oka bay is about to

delete all traces of the land members

activities from CERN's computers and

just as he presses enter on the keyboardcursor runs into the lab about to say i

love you just as oka bay changes world

lines well she actually arrives at the

lab in time in this current world line

resulting in okay bay not deleting

CERN's data thus leading to my URIs

death but due to the D mail just sent

her arrival is delayed resulting in Oak

Bay chang

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