Unreal Engine
thought to be a tiny industry only for
kids happy holidays from Atari has now
become one of the largest and fastest
growing industries in the world as of
2019 the video game industry is valued
at well over 100 billion dolars and is
bigger than both the film industry and
music industry combined but the gaming
business is not filled with a hundred
different gaming companies each
jockeying for position in the industry
in reality only a handful of companies
are responsible for nearly all of the
revenue that is produced from video
games and one of these companies is
still pretty much owned by one single
person this is the story about how one
man changed video games forever and
createda Titan of the video game
industry this is the story of epic games
Potter Mac Maryland 1989 a 19 year old
named Tim Sweeney was a busy
engineering student at the University of
Maryland on weekends Tim would travel
back to his parents house in Potomac
Maryland to keep in touch with both his
family and his IBM personal computer onone of these weekends he decided to
up his own personal computer
consultation business where he would
help customers with any of their
computer problems he decided to call
this new business pata Mac computer
systems named after his hometown
after more than a year of very little
Success he decided to shut down the
Company and focus his weekends on
something else Tim always knew he
to do something revolving around
computers so he ended up deciding that
he would try to create a video game
however there was a problem even
Tim was pretty much an expert with
computers and computer programming
wasn't a real roadmap or instruction
manual on how to create video games at
the time nor were there any game
to help him start program in his first
game so Tim Sweeney ended up creating
his own text editor in order to help him
drem his first game from scratch but
then a light bulb went off what if hejust made a video game out of the text
editor itself so that's what he did
the initial text editor that Tim made
ended up becoming a game called Z Z T
was an action-adventure puzzle game
was released for ms-dos in October of
1991 the game took nine months to
develop and when it was released it was
met with some initial success however
this was not necessarily because of the
game itself you see the game as ezt was
the first video game that was ever
developed using object-oriented
programming which made it very easy for
other programmers to change the game
as it is known today mod the game so
inadvertently Tim Sweeney's text editor
had become the first easily model game
where normal computer users could
their own game within a game soon ZZT
started making Sweeny over $100 a day
that is when he decided to make video
game development his full-time career he
renamed pata Mac computer systems to
epic megagames
in order to try to have a standout namein the video game industry at the time
there were only a few companies that
were making video games like Apogee
software and id Software these
had just recently released their massive
hit games like Duke Nukem & Wolfenstein
So Tim Sweeney had his work cut out for
him initially Tim brought on a handful
of people to help him grow the company
one of which was Mark Raine who
according to Tim was vital to the
initial growth of epic games because of
the business deals he was able to bring
in early on in the company's history by
the end of its first year epic megagames
had 20 employees and had produced six
games and by the end of the second year
they had 30 employees and produced in
nine more games the company was
fairly quickly yet their game-changing
product was yet to be released in 1995first-person shooter game however he
began building this game with a brand
new idea in mind he decided to program
game engine that would not only work for
his game but could also work for
variety of other future games that way
this game engine could be licensed out
to other game developers to bring in
additional revenue for the company
now the creation of this game engine
a big risk for Sweeney because building
a game engine like this would take years
to program and the engine might not
be that good at the end of it
so by starting this project he was
placing a big bet on himself
and his ability to program and after
three years of programming Tim
video game called unreal was released to
the world and so was his game engine
that he called Unreal Engine within two
weeks the game unreal became the
best-selling game in the country andhaving revolutionary visuals while at
the same time receiving praise for its
good plot atmosphere and gameplay
ended up making the company around 60
million dollars throughout its lifetime
and for a few weeks actually competed
with Starcraft as the best-selling game
in the world however this would pale in
comparison to what the Unreal Engine
would do for the company the engine that
Sweeney spent three years programming
was praised by nearly everyone in the
industry including competitors such as
John Carmack who was the creator of
games like doom and quake and this
praise was for a multitude of reasons
like how the engine was able to use
textures its lighting quality and the
ability to export games to nearly every
computer and console on the market with
just the click of a button after its