The story of the Loss Meme

The story of the Loss Meme

The story of the Loss Meme

 Is this loss loss memes are generally

parodies and mockeries of the original

comic by

control alt delete which depicts a

miscarriage in a very ridiculous

and lacking way buti believe loss edits

reveal far more about the nature of

memes and even reality in general

but to get to that we need to take a

look at the symbolic

structure of law sets

im going to do this utilizing the tarot

which is in a sense utilizing the


so to begin the first panel depicts a


individual and i believe that this


with the fool now the fool is the very

beginning of the journey he is zero

about to fall off ofa cliff he is

walking blindly

this is the relationship that tim

has to this comic as well he is entering

into frame

and is about to fall into a chaotic and

depressing miserable event now this is

followed by

the line and a slightly shorter line

i believe that this depicts the downwardthat is typical of the pentagram

now this is not to be confused with the


star not the pentacle which is

positive i believe that this card is


the five of swords this is the failure

of his intellect

id imagine tim is a quy who

might approach a situation with

a degree of rationality or attempt to do


by the time we get to the next panel we


two lines of equal length and i believe

that this is the

eight of swords interference

you can see that the loss edits do not


the swords which are crossing the two

main swords

but i believe that this is essentially

the communication that is occurring

uh without a without a bubble in the


The story of the Loss Meme

and then finally we have the last panel

which is the upright figure and the

figure who is laying down

and i think that this bears a

resemblance to the

16th major arcana which is the towerthe fall of the tower of babel the

failure of communication

the success of death the success of the

death drive

this is in the thoth deck

a collapsing tower people falling

but also important there is a gaping maw

letting loose flame and this is what


the lower figure the upright figure

is the crumbling tower so we have


tim from control alt delete go from an

upright fool

but through a failure of intellect

through the success

of these truly emotional and chaotic


we have witnessed him collapse we have

witnessed the collapse of rationality

but what do these lost edits really mean

i'm trying to get at the fact that even

simple associations of lines and shapes

hold a degree of symbolic significance

and that the symbolic significance of

these things

indicate something about its mimetic


the fact that the lost meme is very


i think indicates that there is an

unconscious understandingthe

for whose existence he induces a number

of proofs

among these are the constant


below the surface of the earth

the peculiar power of the earth's soul

to produce metals

minerals and fossils namely the facultus


which is similar to that of the womb and

can bring forth in the bowels of the


shapes that are otherwise found only


ships fishes kings popes

monks soldiers etc further

the practice of geometry for it produces

the five geometrical bodies

and the six cornered figures in crystals

the anima tellurius has all this from an


impulse independent of the reflection

and rationalization of man the seat of

astrological synchronicity

is not in the planets but in the earth

not in matter but in the anima tellurius

loss shares in these geometric patternsjoining in

with the anima tellurius we are

experiencing the natural forms and

shapes that are present in crystals and

in mountains

The story of the Loss Meme

now of course this this very concept is

very difficult

especially for people who might


life with a relatively scientific

or rational viewpoint which would deny

the fact

if it is a fact that there is a


order in reality of course

jung is saying that synchronicity

is what kepler was noticing now of

course kepler is one of the primary


in the history of science uh his work on

on the planets is immense and wonderful

so it's something to consider isaac


is also a major proponent

of what young would deem synchronistic

work which is that he was an alchemist

he was a maior believer in alchey andhe was a major believer in alchemy and

utilized it to develop

physics and various other fields

but from all of this i think it's very

important to

take a look at something that the


the judge from cormac mccarthy's blood


describes he says. 

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