



I followed the sound and it led me to this


It's faint.

Carried by the wind. It's coming from this


You hear it, do you not?

Wolf: I hear nothing.

J:I see.

Perhaps Il alone can hear it.

Nothing else matters. I must follow that

melody... it truly stirs my soul.

This sound winds upwards from an

ancient decrepit village.

It's a village hidden by the mists.

Mists that coil in a forest.

A forest deep below the earth. Only the

devoted or the exiled can find it now.

Ancient Woman: Will you be cast out?

Or throw yourself?


If you wish to go to the very depths of

Ashina then you'd best cast yourself out.

It's hard to know what the lives of the

ancient Ashina were like, save that they

lived on land that was coveted by many.

The gate before this jump is a torii gate,

which marks the transition from the

mundane to the sacred, and the land

below is indeed sacredwhich marks the transition from the

mundane to the sacred, and the land

below is indeed sacred.

So sacred, in fact, that the water, rocks

and soil here in Mibu Village once

attracted the attention of the gods.

One of the gods worshipped here was

likely the Serpent God,

as its skin is found throughout the village,

and another was likely Buddha, a

deity friendly with the Serpent God,

whose statue can be found desecrated in

the main temple.

Then, far away to the west, some event

caused the Sakura Dragon to be cut free

from its homeland.

It drifted to the east,

to Japan, where it found the fertile depths

of Ashina.


Then it settled here, conjuring a divine

realm, usurping the lesser gods and

tearing the fate of Mibu

Village in half. It seems like a lucky few

would have immediately become citizens

of the palace,

these nobles, but that also means that

most of Mibu had to simply

content themselves with the divine

waters that begin flowing through their

village. These waters

bestowed a ton of bounties upon the

Mibu, bounties that were distributed

throughout all of Ashina;

Dragonspring Sake: a drink that no words

can do justice, Mibu Balloons: orbs of

water that were sealedwith bountiful prayers, and even

Magnificent Medicines: good enough to

be stored in this chest,

apparently created by Dogen, the famous

doctor. And yet, for all the perks that were

offered by its proximity,

the Divine Realm still lay tragically out of

reach, until

the Okami Clan arrived in Mibu Village.

This group of warrior women,

technicaly called the Kuraokami Clan,

were among the first to figure out how to

ascend. They did this by

accruing three ingredients that they knew

were stemming from The Fountainhead,

and they created incense with them

The first ingredient was the stem of a

sakura tree, for even to this day, a

sakura blooms in Mibu Village. It might

even be an everblossom.

And the Mibu have prayed with the power

of sakura for the longest time.

The second ingredient was the fragrance

of a flower that thrives in the deepest

waters of the Fountainhead.

They called it a Lotus of the Palace. And

lastly, they offered a Shelter Stone,

which is something that grows inside the

body of one who has long drank from the

fountain headwaters.

It's a lot like these cancer-like grave wax

lumps that manifest in all of the undead

in the game,

and these Shelter Stone rocks, too, can

appear in the bodies of those who drink

from these immortal waters.And wrapped in the Fountainhead

Fragrance, the Okami ascended to the



Here, like the palace nobles before them,

they, too, could drink of the purest waters,

beginning this transformation into life

carp-like beings.

And, as this journey to the Fountainhead

entered the realm of possibility,

a culture of Dragonspring pilgrimage

began to emerge.

Wolf: What year is it?

Old Man: What year?

Hard question.

Wolf: Tell me.

Old Man: It's the

year of the Dragonspring pilgrimage.

Every few years, those seeking to join the

wedding procession

would journey to Mibu,

drawn to the village by black pine trees,

which were set aflame with a fire that

never went out.

If you could pass the test,

then you were able to join a procession

that led all the way to the wedding

chamber, a place that

we know gives you the chance at

admission to the Divine Palace.

And the founder of Mibu Village states

that the goal of this procession was to

meet the Divine Dragon.And for this, participants were required to

master the secret Mibu breathing

technique, which allows one to breathe


Without this, the dragon cannot be met,

and my best guess is that breathing


somehow facilitates the transformation

into becoming a noble of the palace;

you're basically becoming a fish, after all,

and perhaps this is why we find so many

upturned legs underneath Mibu Lake,

failed practice at breathing underwater

perhaps or perhaps they burrowed


looking for slugs

Amia, because all over the village we find

a sort of slug harvest they're on boards

They're piled up on the ground where the

Mibu are digging

They're everywhere and might even be


if they're the same type as those found in

the precious bait tooltip'

Because this is food that was given

to the master carp that was found at

Fountainhead palace

This would be a good example of an item

that the Mibu could have brought to the

palace for trade

Because there was trade between the

divine realm and the Hashanah our proof

is in the Dragons

tally board a sort of ldol that was given to

merchants who were recognized as ofdescended upon a sheena they did battle

with its people and they put an end to any

goodwill that

Did exist between the two lands all

records of this war call it long-forgotten

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