Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4


 resident evil 4 wasa major reinvention

of capcom's celebrated horror franchise

not just in terms of gameplay but the

general tone and style as well as such

from a narrative perspective

the game was radically different from

anything else the series had done in the


and really would go on to do with the

future as well as different as it was


it was also a crucial point in the

series's larger narrative

serving as an important chapter in the

stories of several key characters

here we're going to take a look back at

the full story of the legendary horror

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of the way

let's get started resident evil takes

place in 2004

six years after the destruction of

raccoon city by the time the game begins

the shady and corrupt activities of

umbrella corporation

have become public and the company


been made to pay for its crimes in more

ways than one

several high-level officials have been

prosecuted the company itself has been

banned from any further activities

leading to bankruptcy while the

co-founder oswell spencer has gone intohiding now a wanted man across the


things have changed drastically for

others as well not long after the

destruction of raccoon city

leon s kennedy one of the few survivors

of the incident

was recruited by the united states

government and after several years of

training is now a high-level secret

service agent

as resident evil 4 kicks off the us

president's daughter ashley graham

has been reported missing abducted by a

mysterious cult known as the los


Resident Evil 4

led by a man named osman sadler after

receiving intel that ashley was spotted

in a remote village in spainthe secret service dispatches leon to

the location tasking him with rescuing

her and bringing her back

upon arriving at the scene however it

doesn't take long for leon to realize

that things here are horribly amiss the

villagers once peaceful farmers have

turned into mindless violent freaks

and begin attacking leon in numbers as

SOon as he arrives

and what's responsible for this as most

bad things that happen in the resident

evil universe

is a virus known as las plagas this is a

parasite that is being used by los

illuminato's leader austin sadler

to create bio weapons and the scores of

people that joined his cult have all

been infected with itmaking them susceptible to mind control

and turning them into obedient puppets

those who have been infected are called

the gennado which is spanish for


and have been instructed by sadler to

kill any trespassers

in order to maintain secrecy so that he

and the researchers under him can carry

out their bioterrorism

activities undisturbed soon after his

arrival in the village

leon is taken captive by the village's

chief bittorres mendez

and infected with one of the plagues he

finds himself in captivity with one

louis serra

who used to be a researcher for the losilluminados and was involved with the

research of the las plagas

and the creation of many of bioweapons

but eventually became disillusioned with


wanting to get out from under saddler's

heels sarah came into contact with a

certain group

agreeing to bring them a sample of the

dominant species plagueis

leon's story in re4 is an eventful one

but before we proceed

in order to understand it we need to gospecies plagueis

well unlike the regular variants of the

parasite the dominant species plagueis

allows the host to retain their


and though it can often trigger heavy

physical mutations

it does immunize the host from being

mind controlled

SO who exactly did luis agree to steal a

sample of the dominant species plague


the answer to that question is the

answer to many of resident evil's most

nefarious questions

albert wesker well at least indirectly

the person luis came into contact with

when he chose to escape from los

illuminatos was none other than ada

wongan agent of the grOup that was

umbrella's biggest rival

known simply as the organization once

the organization came to know about the

los plagueis albert wesker

one of their highest ranking members

dispatched another agent loyal to him to

the village in spain

that person was jack krauser an


soldier who was once in training with

leon s kennedy

upon being injured and discharged from

duty however krauser sought out wesker

whom he had heard about from leon

wanting not only a new purpose in life

but to become stronger through

bioweapons much like wesker had


Resident Evil 4

krauser faked his own death and becamemember of the organization

loyal first and foremost to wesker back

to the present though with the help of

louis sarah

leon who is yet unaware of luis's past

is able to escape from captivity

the two go their separate ways with leon

setting off once again

to find and rescue ashley graham he

eventually finds her and soon discovers

just why she was kidnapped in the first


just like leon ashley 2 has been

infected with the plagueis with sadler

intending for her to be sent back to the

president while she is under his controland then to infect her father in turn

allowing saddler to exert control over

him as well having finally found ashley

leon decides that it's time to get the

hell out of the village and back home

but as the two are making their way to a

us government chopper for

evacuation the chopper is shot down

forcing them to seek shelter while

another one arrives

they decide to head to a nearby castle

with leon having to fight and kill

bittorres mendes on the way

even when they get to the castle though

things only go from bad to worse

that's because the castle is owned by

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