Resident evil 7

Resident evil 7

Resident evil 7


 Resident evil village is nearly here

which also means big fun spooky times

with a big beautiful cast of

sexy people and the return of our

faceless but

still sexy protagonist ethan winters

making village something of a direct

sequel to seven despite

that it isn't actually called resi8 but

still has the roman numeral branding

anyways it's been a few years since

ethan was trudging through the louisiana

Swamps to the now

snowy depths of a gothic european


and honestly remembering what went


is a little fuzzy as a lot

happened in seven from the baker family

to a mind controlling bioweapon

to two endings with only one beingcannon and the return

of handsome mick hamsterson chris

redfield with the exception of chris

redfields resident evil 7 is almost

entirely a standalone in the series too

SO no need to freshen up on the entire

franchise but if you're interested we

have a dense

and detailed complete timeline just for


link in the description below let's

recap what went down in the baker house

all those years ago to prep for our

journey to village

So strap into the wacky train to

resident evil town with me

your conductor and tour guide kurt


previously on resident evil

okay it's 2017 ethan winters is on thesearch for his

missing wife mia who went m.i.a

in 2014 after going on a work trip to


she was presumed dead however ethan


Resident evil 7

a tip from her out of nowhere to come

and find her in the swamps of

louisiana it isn't long though until

ethan finds himself in an old

riggity-ass abandoned farmhouse and

finds mia no longer

m.i.a but alive and held captive in a

dungeon below the house

while traversing the house a mysterious

Woman named zoe

gives ethan a ring-a-ding-ding and gives

him the one to get the [_]out of there

through the attic

oh but unfortunately mia has

uh changed a little over the past coupleof years

she goes berserk and poor little ethan

ends up having to kill mia after she

cuts his hand off

with a chainsaw and just as he makes his

escape he's knocked out by none other


jack daddy baker welcome to the family


ethan wakes up to a quaint dinner with a

lovely family

how nice well at least ethan's hand has

been stapled back on

ethan breaks free and then doci does his

way around a famously cryptic and

confused resident evil house with

arbitrary puzzles

locked doors with emblems and statues

holding valuable items that otherwise

trigger booby trapsPM

anyway ethan gets another call from his

secret admirer zoe who happens to be

the baker family daughter speaking of

the bakers they have regenerative

powers something ethan learns quite

intimately after a little run-in

with jack

what's in the louisiana water and where

can i get some

on second thought ill pass what the

in another one of her trademark phone

calls zoe reveals that mia

is alive and infected with the same

regenerative virus

as the baker clam ethan turns into a

fetch quest boy for zoe and goes to

gather the necessary ingredients to

create a serum thatll cure

both zoe and mia of the regenerativego through one of lucas's saw like

obstacle courses

but just as ethan is about to get that

serum bam big bad

daddy jack slams into scene leaving

ethan no choice but to use it

on jack and kill him permanently leaving


only one serum tO use and having to

choose between zoe

and mia what the hell are we gonna do

now okay so this is where

it gets a little weird with the timeline

between resident evil 7 and village

while there's only two paths which lead

to only slightly different outcomes

only one of the endings seems canonical

to village

so let's just get the non-canon one out

of the way first

i'm sorryi really am so let's say ethan

chooses zoe mia is left behind with a

broken heart even thoughethan promises to send help on this path

zoe and ethan hop on a boat

and she reveals to him that the bakers

first became infected after mia

walked into their lives with a little

girl named evelyn

three years back which is when mia went

all mia

on their way they passed by a giant

wrecked tanker ship

and in this moment zoe is killed and

giant sludge tentacles knock ethan out

while unconscious ethan has a vision of

chit chatting with a sane

jack baker who is communicating with


Resident evil 7

somehow telepathically anyway

the now sane jack tells ethan that the

entire baker family has been

under evelynn's mind control which is

what drove the baker family

mad to begin with and now ethan's gotta

put evelyn downplease it then switches to mia's

perspective who finds herself on the

Wrecked ship

and trying to rescue ethan how romantic

when ethan comes too mia is there

however she goes all possess mode


and struggles to grapple with ethan's

choosing of zoe home wrecker baker

mia's changing is of coursea result of

evelynn's mind control and

once again ethan is forced to kill her

okay now let's rewind in this other

timeline ethan chooses mia because

duh it's his wife and stuff and clearly

he's been through some [_]

already that he can forgive her for

cutting his hand off

cue ethan getting knocked out

Conversation with jack mia rescues ethan

bamboo but in this path mia manages to

lock herself in the shipas evelyn takes control giving ethan the

chance to escape

and not kill mia again

alright so as it turns out mia has been

working with an international criminal

organization called

the connections who specialize in


her job was to be a caretaker for evelyn

a bioengineered weapon referred to

as the type evelyn.

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