Ring fit adventure

 Ring fit adventure

Ring fit adventure

So last week Nintendo released the

brand-new ring fat adventure for the

Nintendo switch which actually aims to

kind of take over a place where the

Nintendo Wii Fit left off that it was a

healthy way to play video games however

the Wii Fit was definitely more health

oriented than actual gaming oriented

what they did with ring foot adventure

it's an actually an action RPG style

game there's been a lot of people who

are reviewed and covered the game being

a gamer myself it's not a very healthy

Occupation because I sit in the chair

literally I'm sitting in the chair right

now at my gym it's ind of ironic so I

thought it'd be a really good idea for

me to get a perspective of a workout

based video game from professionalspeople who do strength training and

fitness so I want to do a big shout out

to King's strength performance here in

Cranford New Jersey for letting me come

shoot on sight along with my trainer Rob

he's hiding off frame right now it's

fine you'll see him in a bit there he is

this game obviously tells you how you

should be working out that's after all

the whole point of it it's a known fact

that when doing fitness if you're in the

wrong stance or the wrong posture or

you're not using the right muscles to do

the exercise you're not getting the most

out of it

so I wanted to experiment of playing

this game here with my trainer and while

I'm going through the exercises I wanted

to see if I'm doing it the right wayjust based off of what the game is

saying working out I've done it here too

there I've never really got myself into

a super healthy fit shape like I'm not

one of the people who thinks that

running is a fun exercise running is

torture you do it when something is

chasing you that's it so uh yeah let's

check this out right now we're doing the

obligatory update of controller as soon

as you boot up the game it tells you how

to put on the leg strap and how to

attach the joy column to the ring

which is pretty neat this is very

durable to the point that you're not

going to be able to break it even

Someone much beefier than I with


far bigger than my entire body combined

wasn't able to break it by just gentlysqueezing it together how its shaped

it's going to your hands are gonna touch

before I could even begin to break which

is pretty nice and to see something

durable like that is very appreciate

hello it's a warm-up by the way there's

something you must absolutely


Ring fit adventure

whenever you're doing ring proper

posture literally the first thing it

says even if you believe you're doing

the exercise correctly if your posture

is off you could easily reduce how

effective the exercise is the precedent

now please allow me to introduce our

resident posture professional

representing the impeccably posture

paragon of close ability tip tip will

demonstrate what it means to have

properposture you can dive into your exercises

knowing you're getting even more out of

them be sure to watch tip closely and

enjoy a ring fitness your exercises can

be adjusted daily let's calibrate the

rink on and leg shop to match your

strength okay yeah I'm already sweating

pretty hard dynamic stretching remember

to do some dynamic stretching before


exercise may keep your body flexible

make sure your back is straight I'm a

little impressed on how much it's like

make sure your back is straight yeah

heart rate is 143 you have water and

it's already resting the details I like

the dynamic warmup

because typically

a class here first thing we do is that's

very detailed they give you like littleWorld of adventure a movie five or so

minutes long is about to begin do you

want to watch it now yeah I'm here to

work out bro

what's drag ox drag ox doing here he's

radiating a purple aura like this don't

you remember

Ring fit adventure

I probably should have skipped the story

estimated difficulty level two minutes

nineteen point five calories and three

tenths ofa mile it's a beautifully

cel-shaded game reach the goal all right

let's go when playing ring fit adventure

when you first start off it's basically

it goes little by little to get you into

a workout routine after you're done with

your stretching phase you then jump into

the game and it basically starts you

with the how to navigate the world thatin order to actually move in the game

you have to jog in place if you run in

place you move even faster this reminds

me of the big bazooka guns that shoot

air yeah got the D yeah calves are

getting pretty swollen

oh that is brilliant also using the ring

fit you're able to jump into the air and

then you're also able to hover into the

air as well as a few other things like


oh we're not done all right and he

doesn't descend stairs on that nope

oh god I hate cardio


calories burned 30 I call my

stats are games oh yeah so it's

impressive that they break down the timespent look it's the legendary circle of

power sharp ancient power is it just

doing a cool down right now but

disguising it as a cutscene yes but the

way you think of it too is any time

you're not actively moving they assume

you're cool down

it does look ominous I think you just

said three major

oh yeah it's probably the bad guy yep

this is definitely a bad guy oh wow yeah

look at those pecs

I need you to pee in this Cup

oh it's talking that was Drago Drive


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