Battle Royale

 Battle Royale

Battle Royale


so my friends and | got

together for a friend's birthday party

and instead of playing one of the normal

D&D campaigns we typically run we ran a



see one of our DMs, Nate

, actually was the one who ended up

running the whole thing so we ended up

calling the whole thing a nate-night

battle royale!

*epic gamer music*

besides all the fortnight

jokes we made we ran it ina way that

had it so we all got assigned random

classes based on dice rolls and it was

every man for themselves you know like a

typical Battle Royale the classes that

ended up being a thing were surprisingly

fun to play mainly because we basically

never played those classes before then

we were all level 10 and I wasa wizardmy friends consisted of a fighter a

ranger a paladin and then the most

concerning of classes where my friends

who played a rogue a barbarian and a


if you don't know why a level 10

druid is extremely concerning with a

level 10 barbarian and rogue well you

will definitely find out by the end of

this vide0 whether you like it or not


Battle Royale

we start the battle and the 2 most

predictably strong classes start to

fight so the druid polymorphs intoa

T-rex and then the barbarian starts


the t-rex and the rouge just gets the

hell out of there and then me and

Lindsay who is playing fighter team up

cause teamwork and then we started

venturing around the field after lookingthrough my spell is because though this

is literally the first time I've ever

played a wizard I decided to cast

elemental Bane on the Ranger thinking

there would be easy to take out thanks

to the stigma of Rangers being boring


weak to play the spell essentially made

them extremely weak to fire and I mainly

picked that because Wizards have a lot

of fire based spells so the fighter and

I start to move towards Ranger in the

process the ranger finds a little room

and decides to hide in it like it's a

little hidey-hole and the Paladin who

has literally never played D&D before

this point decides after hearing notes

from other players they try to push me

in the lava when we were passing nearby

a lava pit some way somehow I don't


I made a shrill way higher although my

strength score was a measly 10


to their 16 so I just got nudged a smallbit and the fighter after seeing this

stopped the Paladin in the lava and then

after they got out they decided to push

the fighter in the lava

and this went back and forth for a

really long time until eventually they

took a truce of some sort and then the

fighter killed the Paladin but before

this stuff happened we clip back to the

druid and the Barbarian, the Barbarian

and druid are tanking damage as well as

giving it out you know like you'd expect

and eventually the Barbarian decides to

go towards a pit nearby and put their

hand in one of the water pools you want

to know what happened

you want to know

what happened that I literally called

out in a group chat because we were

teaming but whatever and a group chat

right before he did this well have you

seen critical roll, you probably already

know it, but the water was ACID! so the

guy whoactually did this was the same player

that um was Jay my last story time video

which you shouldn't be that surprised

about if you've seen that video but

anyways the barbarian's lower arm/

forearm/left hand area gets full-on

disintegrated and they finally get a

great idea after screaming in agony

because you know your hands missing


decide to take their battle ax you know

like you do and they shove it in there

stub yep eventually after some more

damage dealing and damage taking


Battle Royale

the Druid and the barbarian via the

t-rex threw them into the acid who could

have guessed so the barbarian

surprisingly was the first one dead and

the paladin died second then the Ranger

and druid started a tag team up and

things started to hit the fan, the Ranger

starts planting all these different

terrain spells around the area thatlimits the fighter and I whether it's

verbal or just like being blinded or

whatever and the Rogue is still just

gone and they're looting every kind of

room they can find which there's not

that many rooms but they're looting

everything and they haven't been hit at

all yet so they have at least three

greater healing potions also we dont

know where they are and we haven't seen

them, and haven't bothered looking at

because we all did not know at this time

rouges were very OP

after this game we

realized rouges were OP

after this game I learned I wanted to play

a rouge

So the

t-rex realizing that I'm kind of a

threat on the field starts coming right

at me and I start to realizel have a

certain spell after seeing the spell

originally I didn't think I would beable to cast it thanks

but the DM said it was perfectly fine

for me to cast it therefore I did so I

cast telekinesis which I don't know what

level spell it is butI cast telekinesis

and I mind-moved the t-rex right into the

lava pit and held him there eventually

the t-rex breaks free because you knowI

lost concentration of course I did

so the t-rex is running at me full speed

again and you know what I did

I cast telekinesis again cauSE I DID THaT

yeah man

So the druid was even more mad that


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