The story of the days gone

 The story of the days gone

The story of the days gone


Hello and welcome to another deep dive

in the law and order video series this

time out well be looking at the story

behind ben studios open world epic days


with a huge storyline and an awesome

soundtrack this game is a tale of hope

and friendship oh and zombies apart


the fact they aren't really zombies but

ill explain that a bit later

the years 2017 and all hell seems to

have broken loose not just in the town

of farewell oregon but the entire world

a woman sarah lies on the ground having

been stabbed in the stomach and two

bikers are helping her these men part of

the mongols motorcycle club in farewell

are deacon sarah's husband and boozer

deacon's best friend they make their way

to a rooftop and after some resistance

from a man called o'brien deacon puts

sarah on a national emergency response

organization or nero for short chopper

which is headed to a refugee camp and

deacon tells his wife that he will meet

her there as there isnt enough room for

all three of them on the chopper

time fasts forward to around two years

later deacon and boozer are living in

the wilderness in oregon working as

bounty hunters for various encampmentsthey plan to ride north due to the fact

that they have a target on their heads

however this plan hits a snag when

boozer is injured by a group of crazy

cultists called rippers and deacon's

bike is destroyed but it's not just the

rippers and the people hunting them who

present danger to them

there's another threat mutants better

known by everyone as freakers

sarah deacon's wife is presumed dead


The story of the days gone

to the fact that the camp she was taken

to was overrun by freakers deacon is

doing jobs for people in the


when he spots a nero chopper he follows

the nerO researchers and eavesdrops on

their conversations in which one of the

researchers mentions the name o'brien

decontracts o'brien down who tells

deacon that the helicopter she was on

got diverted mid-flight due to the

reports of the camp being overrun

this gives deacon the slightest piece of

hope that his wife is in fact alive

remember how bouzz's arm got messed


by rippers well that's getting worse so

deacon rides with boozer to an

encampment called lost lake to steal

Some antibiotics in order to try and

save bo0zer deacon is caught but the

camp takes pity on buzzer and admits

himto their infirmary they will provide

care for boozer and he can stay there as

long as deacon pulls his weight and

rides out on jobs for the camp this is

all in vain though as booze's arm still

continues to get worse so it has to be

amputated deacon having taken o'brien's

radio receives a call from him due to

the fact that nero researchers don't

share what they are investigating with

the other researchers o'brien wants

deacon to spy on them in exchange for

his help in tracking down sarah deacon

agrees and obrien tells him that sarah

survived the stab wound but was taken to

another camp which was also overrun

meaning that sarah is still presumed

dead anyway remember those crazy


well lost lake encampment or rather its

leader iron mike had struck a peace

treaty with the cult which was basically

a ceasefire between the two parties iron

mike's second in command and head of

camp security schizo is skeptical about

the rippers honoring this treaty

believing it to be onlya matter of time

before they break the treaty and attack

the camp this is also a view shared by

deacon even though he and scissor don't

get on they see eye to eye on this

matter however that's as far as it goesskizzo being the deceptive turnip that

he is has made his own deal with the

rippers giving that deacon has a price

The story of the days gone

on his head and is wanted by the rippers

schizo hands deacon over to them in

exchange for a guarantee of safety for

lost lake encampment deacon is tied up

but deacon recognizes their leader

carlos as carlos used to ride with them

in the mc back in the day then known as

jessie but was kicked out of the club

deacon is subjected to the same

punishment that was inflicted upon

boozer deacon manages to escape and

makes it back to lost lake and tells

iron mike what schizo did and as a

result schizo is exiled from lost lake

deacon and buza hatch a plan to flood

the ripper camp by blowing up the

reservoir and drowning them all and

deacon kills carlos or jesse later on

deakin recalls that due to sarah's work

at the government research center she

had some sort of government security

clearance so therefore would have been

evacuated first as a priority deacon

recalls that when she got onto the

chopper she had a government pass


her neck obrien informs deacon aftersome digging she was evacuated to a

military outpost at crater lake but that

the outpost was captured by a local

militia called the deschutes county

militia led by colonel garrett so deacon

rides out and joins up with the militia

to infiltrate and see what happened to

sarah and if she's in fact still there

well he finds her and she's working for

the militia she is helping them build a

bio weapon which will destroy large

amounts of freakers at one time he tells

her they're leaving together but sarah

insists that she stays to complete what

she has started as she feels like she

can help deacon reluctantly agrees to

work for her in requisitions which

basically means that if anyone in the

camp needs something from the outside


the wilderness he goes out and gets it

for them after a few runs deacon

eventually realizes that sarah is not

trying to destroy 

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