The story of the Garticphone

The story of the Garticphone

The story of the Garticphone

 Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Gothic

phone it's been a while

have to make a sentence and then draw it

and then make a sentence and then draw

it and then oh

my brain oh I don't even know what to

put ah let's go with

uh what's recent what's happened

recently I dont [_] know okay I've

just got me something completely


done l'm really excited to see how Mum

comes out but I just remembered we


draw yeah that's the issue okay what

okay okay Harry's wrote this

have I wait have you got a thing I've

still gotta write a sentence that's a

bit of yours I submitted it yeah maybe

because is there seven of us okay now is

okay oh


actually Harry's done he's just like

this he's been really mean hasn't he no

well l don't know what I'll put how do

you know you don't know what you put


does that work how do you know it's

Harry because it says Harry things rightwhat does the inside of a mouth look

like this is probably right I this was

the clean drawing bro

okay I've ruined it oh[_]I dont have

much time left it was good it was good

oh no time is going


how do l undo there we go

where's Auntie back oh there we go

oh my God I'm running out of time and

run out of time and run out of time run

out of time run out of time

uh l'm Dreadful at drawing bro oh my God

this is embarrassing

do this I can do this I can do this


we'll do this this will be like a remix


ring ring

okay I'm done I'm done that's the master

but I've done it wrong I've done it

wrong I've done it wrong we all clear up

there's no offense taking to any of this

yeah no no no nO no no

no time

[Laughter]what uh

The story of the Garticphone

um okay

what why is that I know what mine is why

is that there I think this is a josh

drawing all right I've I've written what

I think I'm looking at it I quite like

what I'm looking at it's a good drawing

oh do you good depiction it's good

depiction yeah this one's a decent one

as well I'm a fan of this one | think I

know what I've got I've drawing yeah I

don't know how you made it


oh [_]

um all right

I don't know where to start



all right

oh no you know when you want to doa

fills but yeah you're worried the Shaded

Phil that's what I want to do oh I can't

you know it's a shaded film oh Shady you

know what I like that I like that a lot

probably go with that

who who would you say is darker is it

Toby or Joe oh vou l've messed upalready


so all right I'm drawing right now yeah

l just want everyone to know that I'm




I think I'm trying to draw I'm

attempting it from right now right

it's all right thatll do and then we

have a little

um oh my God I cannot try to save my


|waste a lot of time on that thought

Wham craps


are you allowed to draw words

yeah yeah | know that why not


yeah do you know what this is this is

looking good man this is uh

yeah now I'm all right with mine I'm

alright with mine I am not okay


let me see that part thenI think I did a cool image

what is that this is barbaric what is


it's bad

no this is bad

whoever this is shame on you right

that's barbaric

how did that take that amount of time

surely you finish that early


what's going on there man

sure that I don't I don't know I'm so

embarrassed oh

my God what is this oh my goodness

what is this mine seem pretty normal I'm

not complaining I didn't I didn't put it

I didn't put a banana I didn'tI didn't

type in in time oh my God

I typed down and I was like oh no let me

change it and type this instead and |

IJit do you want to tell someone

did someone get no prompt do you want


The story of the Garticphone

tell them what you meant no one


would say right they have no prompt um

did anyone put down a dog eating

no [_] no

this whole point of the gamewhat's Steph

oh it's just that




I don't know how to depict this

time's running out I've actually drawn

anything it actually is big time yet

um we should draw something now I


stop fitting this [_] all right Bang

bang this is uh this is


the worst thing

my Dreadful holy [_] Ithought he would

have finished this is what you're



oh this is what you are getting things I

can say no offense taker if you draw

what the[_] are you doing

here we go

it's having your house right into the

clicky thing yeah do you want to do like

Ill read mine just you read yours tell

me about yours

okay so my sentence. 

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