The story of the wows

 The story of the wows

The story of the wows

Hello friends Punk rat with a very

serial documentary I made a video about

three months ago talking about the

private server community

I noticed many people within the

Comments section of that video

mentioning that they were actually

unaware of the story that led to

Blizzard's announcement of classic wow

two years ago

I figured ld make a documentary style

piece to cover the story so here it is

the entire story going back over a

decade it all started in 2007 a seed was

planted in the fertile soil which are

the original World of Warcraft Forum


seed was planted germinating slowly in

The Damp grounds

it was a seed of skepticism and

discontent a paranoia of what was to


Heretics they called us doomsayers fear

mongers but unfortunately those fears

were placed in reality

in January 2007 the burning Crusade had

launched although it was foreshadowing

to what was to come it was still one ofexperiences in the history of the game

TBC hit most marks it retained the core

MMO features that made the game tick

while still being entry level friendly

enough to strike a good balance between

the different types of players

but despite that fact it exemplified a

trend which was worrying to the most

die-hard of World of Warcraft fanatics

the first change was the death of world

PyP with the additions of flying mounts

along this came the annexing of old

zones in Azeroth since the new


was almost entirely focused on the

Outland no life losers were dying to

taste the blood of casual scum trying to

do their quests but since they were alI

flying up in the sky hiding from the

lurkers below the dangerous open world

Dynamic was no more and the casuals


become a protected class fast forward a

couple years and World of Warcraft was

at an all-time high heading into Wrath

of the Lich King the Allure of arthas as

the main antagonist was the only

marketing necessary although World ofWarcraft was the biggest game of the

time bringing in more money than you

could ever imagine or ever really

dreamed for it wasn't enough for the

corporate monarchs at Blizzard

Entertainment going into Wrath of the

Lich King the plan was to expand the

player base even further into the Casual

markets random dungeon finder now

teleported you to your dungeon heroic

dungeons were so easy that you could

blast through so many within one day

that it would give you enough badges to

fully gear out your character raid ready

The Raid tiers were trivialized raid

attunements removed further


that same issue oldar might have been

your favorite raid within Wrath of the

Lich King but it became largely

trivialized by the time ICC and trial of

the Crusader were released the game

started to revolve around daily quests

pulling you further and further away

from an organic MMO experience this

however was only the beginning of the

end a couple months before the Wrath ofthe Lich King released the greatest

piece of foreshadowing was about to


the player Base by storm in July 2008

Vivendi games the parent company of

Blizzard merged with Activision and the

era of Activision BIizzard was thrusted

upon uS

players and developers were now under

the reign of their overlords at

Activision games and World of Warcraft

was never to be the same again

the Golden Age of Warcraft had


Come to an end the next decade was


to be a downward spiral predicted by the

Oracles of the World of Warcraft forums

from back in the burning Crusade

an Activision Blizzard had found their

new lap dog a Sinister corporate

underling who corrupted everything he

touched this Demon's name was Jos

alianak bracos the corrupt he failed his

way to the top of every single Studiothat he touched he decimated Star Wars


and escaped the burning ship before it

all went to hell

he then brought his cursed Omen to the

World of Warcraft team as a lead game

developer he became one of the main

faces of the World of Warcraft team in

cataclysm which was the true beginning

of the end for retail World of Warcraft

cataclysm released with an entirely new

game engine and the old feeling of wow

had been axed classes redesigned and

most importantly the entire concept of

this expansion was that Deathwing had

destroyed the entire world of Azeroth

and with that came a complete redesign

and oversimplification of all zones and

all quests making the entire experience

a linear theme park ride with little to

no challenge at all the game never

recovered from this cataclysm started

off strong largely led by the cinematics

and marketing campaigns that blizzard

pushes on every release but the moretheir beloved game the more people

started to drop off like flies and by

the end of cataclysm the worst game

design decision ever made was


the introduction of LFR or looking for

raid no longer did you need to forge a

community to experience endgame no

longer did you have enough to try the

game and its Mysteries were now handed

to you on a silver platter in the style

of a cued automated raid simulation with

LFR as the expansions went by these

greedy attempts at expanding the player

base continued unabashedly

twinks were removed from the game all

classes became more and more


and the fun police meme had been born

not to mention an in-game shop was

introduced targeting the most mentally

deficient of players with cheap impulse

buy marketing tactics throughout this

entire downfall J allenak bracos's

narcissism knew no bounds he was the

leading vision of World of Warcraft. 

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