The story of the prey

The story of the prey

The story of the prey

 From the studio that brought us

dishonored and dishonor to prey is a

psychological sci-fi thriller that tests

your will to survive

armed with cool gadgets and psionic

powers Morgan you must do everything


can to stop the Taipan outbreak

this is pray explain a story recap for

pray expect heavy spoilers in this video

particularly with the main storyline as

always if you like what I do here and

want to see more be sure to subscribe in

the universe of pray President John F

Kennedy survives his attempted

assassination he doubles down on space

funding which accelerates the space race

for the United States after discovering

an alien race known as the Titan the

USSR joins the u.s. to create a space

station to contain it shortly after the

Soviet Union Falls the United States

takes over and repurposes the facility

to study the taifa in 1980's the titan

end up killing researchers which causes

the u.s. to abandon the station

fast forward to 2025 Transtar a techcompany with extremely wealthy


support acquires the station to continue

study on the titan Talos 1 launches five

years later as a fully functional

research facility you play as dr. Morgan

you director of research and vice

president of the Transtar corporation

your brother Alex you is the CEO and

head honcho aboard Talos 1 your parents

catherine and williams serve on the

board of directors for the company the

story begins with Morgan preparing to

join his brother on Talos 1 during

preliminary tests the administering

doctor is attacked by a tie-pin mimic

and Morgan is knocked out when he


to Morgan finds himself back in his

apartment upon realizing that he's

living the same day over and over again

Morgan discovers reality he's already

aboard Talos 1 and was living ina

simulated environment being carefully

observed by researchers the type-in have

broken containment and have killed

nearly everyone aboard the station amysterious voice named January calls


The story of the prey

transcribed and guides Morgan to safety

along the way Morgan finds a neuro

maude a tool which allows the user to

acquire new skills by remapping and

manipulating their brain structure

morgan can find these devices scattered

across the station using them to acquire

new skills necessary to defeat the type

of january leads morgan to his ofice to

watch a video which further explains his

situation with 3d looking glass

technology morgan watches a video that

he recorded for himself sometime in the


Morgan explains that he has permanent

memory loss after testinga new neuro

mod based on the type it this is because

each time a neuro mod is removed the

users memories are reset to the point

before the mod was installed he also

explains that Januarya machine that he

programmed to back up his own


can be trusted to help him Alex you

interrupts the video and requests to

explain the situation to Morgan inperson first instead January sends

Morgan to the hardware labs to


the video server back in his office the

video continues with past Morgan he

instructs present-day Morgan to destroy

Talos 1 it's research that - and himself

in the process he explains that no trace

of the type and can return to Earth and

that his brother Alex will try to stop

him to do this Morgan must find his and

Alex's arming keys and initiate the

self-destruct sequence aboard the

station January introduces himself in

person then sends Morgan to reactivate

the main lift for Talos 1 first he must

pass through psychotronics the area

where the typin first broke containment

shortly after entering Morgan is

contacted by December another operator

with his voice in contrast to January

December claims that Morgan can


Talos 1 using his brothers escape pod

after locating the key this becomes an

option for Morgan back in psychotronics

Morgan finds the psycho scope a device

which he invented that allows the userstation's defenses will attack him

Morgan is locked in the area and forced

to finish the brutal neuro mod

production process converting a dead

death row inmate into a Titan in order

to escape while in psychotronics Morgan

may also choose the fate ofa live death

row inmate named Engram deciding to

either release a mimic into his chamber

or open the door to let him free Morgan

Continues to the guts a series of

maintenance tunnels that run the length

of the station upon entering January

destroys December if Morgan chose not


The story of the prey

follow his orders by this point along

the way he encounters glowing filament

like structures the researchers call

coral their purpose is unknown at this

point but it has spread all across Talos

one via intercom chief engineer Ellucian

warns that the power plant has been

Overrun with Tyson

security chief Sarah Eleazar joins in on

the PA system updating that her team is

holed up in the cargo bay after

traversing the guts

Morgan arrives at the Arboretum anstation inside he encounters a massive

unidentified typhoon which continues to

hunt him periodically until he completes

the final mission

Morgan's next task is to enter deep

storage which holds the fabrication plan

for his arming key while in the

Arboretum Morgan finds his brother's

office which overlooks the area inside

is a transcribed that Morgan recorded

telling himself to escape Telos one and

spread the word about the typin on earth

he also reactivates the main lift to

traverse the station more easily Morgan

finds deep storage locked and only

accessible via the voice of Danielle

show head of IT on Talos one he must

locate samples of her voice in order to

unlock the door this leads him to the

crew quarters where employee cabins


recreational areas are located Morgan

finds a survivor in the kitchen

pretending to be will Mitchell. 

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