The story of the Apex legends

 The story of the Apex legends

The story of the Apex legends

This is the full story and lore of apex

legends in the titanfall universe we'll be

kicking things off in the year 2131

with the events leading into tỉtanfall

Zoom through titanfall 1 and titanfall 2

and then finish things up with apex

legends and around the year 27 30. so

yeah that's like 600 years of content to

cover in one video so hopefully you've

got some popcorn and a diaper because

we're going to be here for a hot minute

like in my prior entire history of apex

legends video i've put timestamps in the

description if you want to learn more

about the specific story lines and titanfall

or apex but ill be honest

there are so many connections between

apex legends and titanfall that we're just

going to plow through the entire

story from beginning to end because

uh there are just kind of references

everywhere along the timeline alright

prepare for titanfall our story begins with

none other than the man that started it all

dr heinrich hammond in

2131 hammond founded hammond

engineering at the company that would

essentially dictate the future of humanity


this time humanity was still stuck with

the same methods of space travel that

we have today we could really only travel

around our own solar system but there

was no way we were going to be traveling

to the nearest star unless we had some

kind of new technology that was

developed well with the help of hammond

engineering and then pioneering new

developments in space travel it didn't

take very long until jump drives were

created the new jump drive technology

allowed ships to travel very long

distances in the blink of an eye the drives

themselves required a specially

refined fuel in order to recharge so after

a series of several jumps there was a real

danger of beina stranded ifthere were no refueling stations nearby

and we'll talk about this a little bit more

later but this created a very

The story of the Apex legends

critical need for refueling stations along

jump routes through space so with the

new jump drives humanity was able to

expand their space exploration to nearby

star systems unfortunately there were

very few habitable planets on any of the

nearby star systems but there were some

these regions of space were nicknamed

the core systems because you know they

were the ones closest to earth and as we

explored the vastness of space and al

these new worlds hammond engineering

merged with other companies and

became something new called the

interstellar manufacturing corporation or

imc for

short due to the vast size of the imc

mega corporation they quickly became


dominant force within the core systems

they had some conflicts with foes over

the course of several centuries but due

in large part to a new group within the

imc called hammond robotics they won


arms race by being the first to develop

debatably capable robotic soldiers

called spectres the imc also continued

expanding their reach among the stars

and discovered a new region of space

with a ton of habitable planets which they

called the frontier alright so quick recap

first we've got the core

system of stars and mostly uninhabitable

planets closest to earth and now we've

got this new frontier region which are

much further away but are also much

more habitable all right cool let's keep

going the initial settlers of the

frontier were given money and funding

with the imc to start colonizing the

hundreds of habitable planets outpostsbecame villages which turned into towns

and ultimately became cities while the

colonizing was going on the public

support from the core systems went

down a lot due to internal conflicts so the

imc kind of backed away from the

colonies in the frontier and focused

more on the people in the core systems

without the imc breathing down their

neck anymore the people living in the

colonies on the frontier started to feel a

sense of their own freedom but before

long the imc was back because they

needed to secure resources for the

booming population back at home in the

core systems so the people of the

frontier began resisting the imc to protect

the freedoms they had been

enjoying the imc in turn set up military

installations all across the frontier to

combat the freedom fighter militia that

was growing in numbers day by day

during this time hammond robotics had

not only

The story of the Apex legends

developed orbital defense systems and

titans which i don't think need much

explanation but they had also been

working on a confidential project called

the simulacrum program the aim of the

program was essentially to merge a

human's memories knowledge and

personality into a robot and by the year

2445 hammond robotics succeeded with

their first simulacrum named revenant

revenant's human name was caleb cross

and before he became the killer robot we

all know and love he was a hitman for

a mercenary group called the syndicate

cross was killed on the planet of gaia

and his body was rushed to a hammond

robotics facility for preservation

hammond robotics turned cross into a

simulacrum but also blocked his past

memory and added protocols meant to

keephis new simulacrum intelligence unaware

of his past identity this worked for over

250 years until he fulfilled a

contract to murder marcos andrade

loba's father during the mission revenant

suffered some damage that resulted in a

failure of his programming which brought

back all of his memories that have been

blocked by hammond robotics so andi

know we've jumped way ahead here

but when the apex games finally came

about and revenant heard that hammond


still existed during season four he had

a thirst for vengeance to kill absolutely

everyone connected to hammond

robotics all right so that's revenant

but let's zoom back to 15 years before

titanfall won two of the leaders. 

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