The story of the avatar

 The story of the avatar

The story of the avatar



You got to obey the rules

Pandora rules hey welcome back to


Crush I'm Ryan Erie so it's been over a

decade and James Cameron's other


hit Avatar is finally getting a sequel

now that movie came out more than a

decade ago so you may not remember


every single detail of the story so

we're going to recap the original movie

and give you some info on what to expect

from this new film let's go let's go the

original Avatar came out in 2009 which

seems like it's been 84 years and then

you're like

not have time for this but don't worry

I've got you and the not too distant

future of the 22nd century in the year

2154 humans have depleted Earth's

natural resources because that's what we

do and now they are colonizing a moon

known as Pandora it's home to both the

valuable mineral unobtanium and a tribe

of 10 foot tall native blue creatures

called the navi imagine if the cast of

cats and the Blue Man Group had a baby

and then cross-bred that with thecaminoans the high concentration of

seconds and causing death in about four

minutes so they have to wear oxygen

masks or exopacks there are a few

specially trained humans to get to

inhabit genetically engineered Navi

bodies called avatars and these help

them interact with the tribe while their

human bodies remained in a remote

location these humans known as drivers

psychically connect with their Avatar

bodies which use their human DNA as


of their genetic templates and greatly

resemble the driver's own facial

features our hero Jake Sully is a

paraplegic ex-marine who replaces his

identical twin brother Tom in the Avatar

program after his untimely death looks

like him

uh looks like you now originally he's

brought in to act as muscle for Dr Grace

Augustine who wrote The Avatar program

she works with Dr Max Patel Dr NormSpellman and Trudy chican a combat


you should see your faces however he


given a secret mission by chip hazard's

own twin Colonel Miles quarreich head of

RDA security Force at Hell's Gate the

human base on Pandora he promises


the company will restore his legs if he

provides Intel about the navi and their

dwelling called the home tree under it

is a rich deposit of unobtainium uh hey

back up what's the RDA great question

the resource development Administration

or RDA is funding the whole operation

RDA has Monopoly rights to all products

shipped derived or developed from

Pandora and any other offers location

operation is in a tug of war with Grace

you knowl used to think it was benign

neglect but now I see that you're

intentionally screwing me now Grace has

been on Pandora for like three decades

at one point she established a school

where the omita Clan could learn Englishcamp closed why did it close well they

don't spelit out but it's pretty

evident what happened when she says


last thing I need is another trigger

happy out there hey person what do

you think is the most important day in

all of history Tom hanks's birthday

everybody knows that all right then good

news I got you this ah Doug is this a

star map commemorating the birth of

Thomas Jeffrey Hanks on July 9 1956. it

Sure is thank you high five

The story of the avatar

this star map was made by under lucky

stars the sponsor of this video under

lucky stars creates a personalized star

map showing the unique alignment of the

stars in A Place In Time chosen by you

this is a great gift to remember an

important moment in your life all you

have to do is enter the time and

location and they create a print of the

sky this shows the constellation and

locations of all the stars showing how

they were aligned at your special moment

this map is actually showing me how thestars were aligned at the moment I met

my wife this is a really sweet

personalized gift you can choose from

more than 15 designs your Special

Commemorative message and the title


The story of the avatar

durable and itll last for Generations

yeah but how do they know what the


look like or that particular does well

Doug under lucky stars has proprietary

methods of locating stars that have been

verified by NASA astrophysicists to

ensure their accuracy this also makes

for a great surprise gift every time you

look at your map it's a sweet reminder

of your anniversary or when your kids

were born or when you met your store

manager under lucky stars also supports

and fundraises for the international

dark sky Association which is dedicated

to limiting light pollution and space

litter so we can actually see see the

stars in the sky so under lucky stars is

running a holiday sale right now plus

they're offering screen Crush viewers anby day he trains with natiri and then

wakes up and reports to Grace to Miles

and to Parker now Parker needs the navi

out of home tree so he can get that

Sweet sweet unobtanium beneath the


and he'd rather do it through diplomacy

so as not to tarnish the company's image

but he's not above using violence soon

Grace discovers what miles is up to and

moves her team to work out of the

Hallelujah mountains so where are we


getting out of Dodge

I'm not about to let Selfridge in quartz

micromanage this thing now these

mountains are floating islands that

circulate slowly in the magnetic

currents kind of like icebergs at Sea

this Flex Vortex renders detection

instruments useless amidst the large

magnetic fields which . 

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