The story of the Ant Man

 The story of the Ant Man

The story of the Ant Man

 the first Ant-Man Hank pimp we've

already done a history of Scott Lang

Ant-Man and another one that gives you

an overview of every Ant-Man but we

thought Pym needed a full dedicated

episode considering he's the first

Ant-Man and founding member of The

Avengers so here we are with that said

let's get into it


it's created by Stan Lee Jack Kirby and

Larry Leiber and first appeared entails

to astonish issue 27 in January of 1962.

he first appeared as Ant-Mana few

issues later entails to astonish issue

35 although Hank Pym is most famously

known as Ant-Man he's had several other

personas throughout the years such as

giant man Goliath yellowjacket and he

even became wasp and Ultron 

all love Ant-Man now in the past he was

never really a huge draw for Comic fans

especially within his own solo Series in

fact Stanley was even quoted saying |

loved Ant-Man but the stories were never

really successful in order for Ant-Man

to be successful he had to be drawn thissmall next to big things and you would

be getting pictures that were visually

interesting the artist who drew him no

matter how much I kept reminding them

they kept forgetting that fact they

would draw him standing on a tabletop

and they would drawa heroic looking guy

I would say draw a matchbook cover next

to him so we see the difference in size

but they kept forgetting but now decades

later Ant-Man is a household name


to the MCU so let's take a look at

ant-man's comic book origin

it all started in Tales to astonish

issue 27. we are introduced to a

scientist by the name of hengpim who is

holding a formula while saying it works

I've done it I've reduced the chair down

to doll size now I only have to apply a

few drops of my growth potion and the

chair returns again to its normal size

this is the greatest Triumph I have ever

known as the chair starts to grow back

to normal size Pym thinks back to a

science convention several months ago

where colleagues were saying he was

ridiculous for his theories this only

motivates him to work harder to perfect

his serum so he spends months alone in

lab working and planning saying soonlab working and planning saying soon

I'Il have my serum perfected then I

shall be able to change the size of any

object what a boon it will be for

mankind we then see shrunken food and

crate in his hand saying anything could

be reduced in size and shipped for a

fraction of the cost an entire Army

could be transported in one airplane he

eventually says at last the great day

has come my serums are finished I've

tested them on a chair and they work


All That Remains is to test them on a

living object on myself so he does just

that putting a few drops of his reducing

potion on himself this serum works so

well that he starts freaking out and

starts running around the room now the

size of an ant he says how will l ever

get back I left the antidote on the

window ledge I could never reach it now

nobody can help me nobody can hear my

small weak voice so for a genius he

forgot the most important step a way to

The story of the Ant Man

transform back to his normal self in any

case even though the humans couldn't

hear him the ants could and like a true

classic horror movie from the 60s the

ants start attacking him so he decides

to run into one of the chambers the antsof them long enough to figure out a way

out of this nightmare but he ends up

falling in an open shaft Landing in

Honey saying the ants stored it for food

it's so sticky I can't get free of it

the more l struggle the tighter it holds

me an Anthem sees him and saves him


the honey he then befriends said Aunt

with the help of this ant he's able to

get out of the ant hill and even rides

the ant up a wall back to his laboratory

to the antidote he climbs inside the

vial and boom he restores himself back

to normal size once normal again he saysand now the first thing I must do is

The story of the Ant Man

destroy these growth potions they're far

too dangerous to ever be used by any

human again that's right he literally

just pours them down the sink and the

next month he meets with his fellow

scientists who asks so your experiments

failed he replies yes you were right

they were just a foolish waste of time

from now on Ill stick to practical

projects then on the last page of the

comic we see Hank staring at an ant hill

with the caption saying and so our tale

has ended except for one brief note

never again did Henry Pym knowingly


upon an ant hill for he knew that

somewhere beneath him unknown and

unrecognized was a little insect one

small ant we owed his very life so in

his first appearance he was actually

scared of his creation and almost never

went back to it it wasn't until Tales to

astonish issue 35 that he decided to

take one more crack at his serum we

learned this issue that he recreated the

serum as he said it was too great to

melt into nothingness after this Hank

became fascinated with ants studying

them thoroughly even says to himself the

more I research the more convinced . 

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