The story of The Gentlemen

The story of The Gentlemen


The story of The Gentlemen

 welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm

your host definition and with the

gentleman now our worldwide it's time to

break down one of January's biggest

movies throughout this video well be

the plot everything that you need to

know about the film and our thoughts on

it as a whole there will be heavy

spoilers here so if you haven't had 

want to know what happens then I highly

suggest that you turn off now without

the way l just want to give a huge thank

you for clicking this video now let's

get into our breakdown of the gentlemen

okay so the gentlemen is pretty much

shot and edited with guy ritchie's

signature style the movie jumps about

from location to location

his fourth wall breaking moments that

add a touch of dark humor to the

proceedings primarily it's told through

the eyes of Blecher a slick talking

cockney who narrates most of the events

of the film fletcher played by an almost

unrecognizable Hugh Grant has been

keeping his eyes on the Londonunderworld most notably Micky Pearson

and he is planning to blackmaila

character and his partners Mickey is a

high-profile drug dealer that has built

a large marijuana Empire hidden

throughout states in England

Mickey's had a change of heart though

and has decided that enough is enough

and it's time to cash out of the

business whilst he still can

Mickey wishes to sell his thriving

business to a rival competitor named

Matthew Bergere for a sum of four

hundred million dollars and it looks

unfortunately one of his labs is robbed

one night and thus the security and

anonymity of them comes into question

forcing Mickey and his partner Raymond

to get to the bottom of it

The story of The Gentlemen

imagine that many people will get lost

in it because it doesn't really let up

at all in typical Richie style it jumps

about from situation to situation

presenting scenes as anecdotes rather

than fully fledged plot points but by

the end of the film they all come

together in a seminal way Richie hasalways been a master at creating almost

puzzle-like productions that you only

really get a full understanding of by

the end of the film this is definitely

the case with the gentlemen and had to

admit that a quickly became swept up in

its storyline due to the fast pacing and

a blinking your mister lines that bill

towards the entire hole

from a purely bird's-eye point of view

and in order to streamline the plop of

this breakdown we learn that bird you

wish to get a better deal on the

business and thus began working with

another rival gangster named Raya

he hired a gang to rob Mickey and

lowered the price on the offer

however the gangs mentor the coach

played by Colin Farrell discovered this

and learning of Mickey's reputation he

decided to try and get them out of

trouble so went to Raymond directly in

order to smooth things out this allows

Micky to discover Burgess real plan and

get back the original price that they

agreed on through locking him in a

freezer and the Manning he transferred

the money and also hand over a pound of

fleshthat's pretty much the major arc of the

storyline and what the main premise of

the film is there were several elements

that throw spanis in the works though

namely dry eye who decides to try and

achieve power for himself

this also is subplot involving one of

the richest State homeowners that


to get his daughter back and the

employees Mikiko to do this when getting

the girl one of Mickey's henchmen

accidentally kills a young russian boy

who was later revealed to be the son of

a high-profile gangster who wishes to

get revenge they send an assassin to

kill Mickey but luckily Raymond shoots

him first and it's during this time that

he also kills dry eyes who was

attempting to kidnap his wife how abouthave a lost year but anyway

Fletcher gives Raymond a deadline of 72

hours in order to get 20 million for him

otherwise he will send all of the

information to a media tycoon who owns


The story of The Gentlemen

newspaper known as the daily print we

learned that not only has Raymond

tracked where Fletcher hid the blackmail

material but that he is also called upon

the favour that the coach owed he and

his gang went to the owner of the daily

print drugged him and filmed him having

sex with a pig in order to keep

everything silent when Fletcher returns

for the money they put him in a box and

are just about to ill him but he died

bulges that the Russians are also making

attempts on their lives and thus is

allowed to go free after two assassins

sent for Raymond are killed by the coach

the coach's gang also believed that he

was being held in some way by Mickey so

they went to kill him but in doing so

ended up shooting the Russian assassinsgoes to sell the story anyway to Miramax


director there looks very similar to a

certain mr. Guy Ritchie this is probably

one of the most fourth wall breaking

elements of the movie and I loved seeing

the poster for the Man From UNCLE as

well as several of the Easter eggs in

the office Fletcher has adapted the

story into a foam script known as Bush

this is a little nod to the original

film's title and during the production

of the movie this is what it was known

as before it was. 

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