The story of the kung fu panda

 The story of the kung fu panda

The story of the kung fu panda


Hello fun people im isaac carlson and

welcome to the jade palace but

or more like the my my beige palace

but regardless of that we're talking

about poe's mother we're

understanding who she was what was


liking how she made an

impact in poe's life and that's all

because we're here because of carolyn d

salvatore thank you for the comment

let's get into

who she is currently she really only


in the memories and nightmares of poe


she has been detached from her family


most opposed life now the reason that

happened was because

of the devious lord shen the the


ruthless leader who believed that a

panda was going to be

the person that led to his undoing so he

sent his army of wolves after the

village nearby

this little farming village that was

thriving and growing

and it seemed like at least in this area

it was the heart of the panda people to

back up a little bit thoughpoe's mother was partnered with lee

these twO were the ultimate duo and lee


his wife when lee recounted what she


like to po

he described her as being smart

beautiful with a tremendous appetite so

they were clearly

a great duo together as if if you're not

sucking down lots of noodles and eating

radishes together are you really are you

really that close of couple

The story of the kung fu panda

even when it was just them they were

happy to be together but they were even

more blessed when they had their little

baby lotus but very soon after they had

this child

was when this massacre began when


all started

lee fought off the wolves to make sure

that his wife

Could carry their son far away from the

dangers that were coming their way

poe's mother had her maternal instincts

take over and she charged into the woods

trying to avoid the wolves and shen but

came up short the wolves were able to

come after her and she was able to telI


she was not going to be able to get out

of that situation alivevegetables all

these little little containers filled

with vegetables to keep him happy and

when she put him in

you could tell that she was devastated

she was crying but she was continuing to

Comfort her little lotus

she held his face and smiled at him and

kept kept him happy until she finally

had to leave

when the army was coming down on her


do what was best for her son she had to

leave him behind and the result of that

was that she most likely died in the


now a part of me when i think about

future kung fu band installments and

what type of villain would i want to see

next i've thought about how compelling

it would be if poe had another villain

that would be deeply connected to him

similarly to shen

and so that drove me to think about

poe's mother she could still be out


and we also know that the pandas have

had a history

of being very powerful warriors with

their chiin the snow so i think that she most

likely has

passed but i still think it could be

compelling to find out that

she was a master of chi as well that


some of poe's abilities came from her

now we definitely know that both of her


have true compassion within them and

we've seen

them be willing to fight for their child

we know that some of that good will that


in po comes from them he gives himself

paul gives himself to other people he's

allowing himself to be

he's willing to sacrifice himself

initially in the first kung fu panda


she was actually set to be in it

she had a whole house designed for

herself and there was a whole scene

about her

dating other animals so there were

original concepts of herexisting at the same time as poe and poe


would have a relationship with her but


is kind of fallen apart to you know

bring up this tragedy in poe's life the

truth is that she is most likely gone

but one really sad part about her not

being able to

live with poe for longer into his life

was that he had this distortion

about her for many many years when poe

started to have nightmares about her

he was very crippled by the idea that

his family would choose a radish over

himself he felt like he was

below just a little little thing out of

a little

little vegetable he thought the little

vegetable could be better than the

dragon warrior

but but the truth is is that he was just

blowing this

up that he felt like maybe he was

abandoned because he was not

worthy of love since the of his parents was such a traumatic

thing he shut

The story of the kung fu panda

out the true reason why he wasn't with


but as soon as those barriers began to

break down and he started to have

inner peace within himself all of those

memories became clear to him

and i love that there's this idea of


2d animation depict the past in the kung

fu panda world

that that's the way that they're able to


that these are memories from the past

but once he is able to break through

that barrier it transitions

directly into 3d showing that this was

something that really happened

that he truly experienced that he looked

at his mother in the face and he he

saw her even though poe's mind was

developing these ideas

of of of distance between his parents

and that there wasn't a true bond

with between them as . 

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