The story of The way Back

 The story of The way Back


The story of The way Back

filmologist im currently documenting

the reunion of the band inner sister

in what may possibly be the most

ambitious journalistic endeavor that you

have ever seen in your entire life i

like to call it video literature

now they released one album in the 90s

with a hit song called suck the shotgun

but this song it made them and it

destroyed them at the same time


a few

days after the release

now they've got back together

after the recent loss

of their previous drummer kevin wolf

and now they've got a new drummer and

new lease on life

it's going to be brilliant

you've come into

this world

with nothing

now you've given


i'm andrew morgan i play guitar and i

help provide the band with some eroticim chad welborn and i provide the orals

for the band you mean vocals right huh

orals is a sex thing

you sing so that's vocals he's right oh

well i do both then i like both that's

fine i'm dirk dennis and i play the bass


im tyler graves i play the drums all

right you're the new guy right yeah

yeah what is it like

six in the morning or something

i think it's more like three in the


The story of The way Back

by the way you woke me up i don't know

why we're here so early but okay


i'm um you you told me to meet you here

you know at this time

when we talked on the phone the other


chad's kind of sleeping on my couch now

i mean we're all kind of playing music

together so it's just nice i meani

guess i'm the

reason one of the reasons why they got

back together

imean i've always had leadership

qualities tendencies towards

beingthe leader of the pack i mean we we

called kevin wolf the one-man wolf pack

and he led the wolf back but that's

because that's

the play on words you know kevin wolf

he's the wolf pack you know

but uh yeah you dont have anything like

chad well born born well to lead

you've been doing some some traveling

yeah i went to i went to tibet

oh wow that must have been fantastic

yeah it's a

it's a really small town right right

outside of boise and uh

i uh i met my spiritual guide roberto

and he uh

he and i worked in the fields together

he was there


monetary reasons and i i was there to to

find my spirits but and


i didn't find it but im still looking

played what have you been doing all this



i've been

justkind of hanging out


doing a little bit of experimenting

oh yeah like experimenting musically or

well i got

these guitars noW

all right so adam you say you play

guitar as well



collect them now

oh great and how how many do you have


your collection


i don't know how they feel towards me

becauseimean chad just trying to talk

[_] the entire time and

dirk's never really here and i feel like

i don't know andrew thinks he's i don't

know hasa higher calling than all of us

i couldim pretty sure

i hate tyler

[L] that guy

had a couple girlfriends

uh you know they

like because i don't have a place to

take them back to anymore they're not

really around

i don't know too many girls that want to

fit on the old

steamboat here right

So this is a home sweet home

no it's just a transitional home sweet

home it's

it's the uh the waypoint

this warehouse just to stop on the way

to fame and fortune exactly man yeah

stop on the way to fame and fortune that

doesn't have any [_]milk in it

because you drank all the milk

right and [LJeat [] dry cereal


dirk is an interesting character


The story of The way Back

i mean

he's not all there anymore i don't know

how he was back when you know and her

sister was in her sister with kevin



i dropped a baby

it was really sad

mom was really madonce i dropped a baby

no one paid me

it was just for fun

Sorry everyone

i dropped a baby

it was like

it was really therapeutic for us to

write that song together

what what what would you call this

this is a placeholder

for my spirits but until i

until i can find the real one


he's just off in his potato thing i

guess he's cool i don't know

we get along

he stares at the wall and i stare at the

wall and

we stare at the wall for different

reasons but i mean we're still staring

at a wall

i uh

i went thrOugh a bit of a dark time

you could say

and uh

i think it made the news

it was it was just a really terrible

time but i

came out of it stronger and i found my

center and

it was i think it was good for me in the





well to get ready for the tour i

practiced maybe

like nine hours a day

doing vocal exercises and um

you know finger work for the guitar and

i've just been you know

cranking ass like pulling all-nighters

trying to get ready for this

he's always just you know passed out on

the couch drunk eats all my food never

does anything around the house

i know im good

iremember everything

but i worry about chad

he's just

he used to be

So full

of life and like energy and stuff

and he was always kind of a [I

but now. 

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