The story of the Four good days

 The story of the Four good days

The story of the Four good days


that's nick and that's joseph and today

we're here to talk about

four good days the latest film directed

by rodrigo garcia which premiered at the

2020 sundance film festival and vertical

entertainment is releasing

april 30th 2021. do i know rodrigos

other films

no but i like rodrigo's early uh

narrative cinema he's long been a

glenn close fan obviously because she

starred in his first couple films

including my favorite uh things you can

tell just by looking at her

from 2000 and also nine stories from i

think 2005.

mother and son was another film he did

he did a film i really didn't like about

uh jesus christ in the des last days in

the desert with ewan mcgregor

joshua um and

albert knobs with glenn close which is

one of her recent academy award

nominations where she plays uh

oh he did that movie yeah where she

plays did you see that

no um glenn close and janet mcteer

who you like from ozark the lawyer

those two are quite good in it uh but it

i don't think that

that is a good film it was a labor of

love uh between the

The story of the Four good days

star and that director um so clearly afan of glenn close um

notably uh he's also the son of uh

gabriel garcia marquez

the author of a thousand years of

solitude im not familiar with that

and memories in my melancholy okay it's

a major but that's nice novel

but uh yeah so interesting uh

person background working in uh



uh and here he is reuniting with glenn

close and we're seeing it

right after she lost her eighth oscar

for hillbilly elegy

this film is about a mother daughter

so the mom deb is played by glenn close

and her daughter molly is played by mila


okay so we see molly showing up to


house one day

banging on the door being asked to let

in and it's clear by her appearance


is a junkie she wants to come back home

SO she can get clean

but deb says no i told you you can't

come back into my house until you are


so molly just stays out in front of the


spends the night the next morning when

deb sees her she brings her out coffeefeels bad for her and says this is how i

will help you

i will take you to a facility to go

through detox they go

she spends three days in detox when

she's released she visits a doctor who


there's a new drug i can offer you it's

an injection that's like an opioid


so if you use this uh you won't feel the

effects of the drugs you use

which will curb your need to get higher

which not to interrupt you but that

felt very clockwork orange to me that

we're at a place where that's possible

but okay but

she has to stay four days clean so

that's where the title of the film comes


So to be clean for a week all together

right so the three days she didn't detox

plus four additional days

So she has to out of detox stay clean

for an additional four days

and the doctor recommends she stays


a loved one or a friend who can help her

So of course deb says we'l come on


and you know the first

like the middle third of the film is the

two of them attempting to get through

those four daysinsurance issues which we later found

out was her

lying but then the last third of the

film is

molly like those additional three days

and of cOurse as the audience were

thinking is she going to make it because

she ends up leaving her mother's house

she says i can't do these additional

three days here i'm gonna go

to molly has children with a man named


for seani don't remember that name i

think his name is sean

oh just played by joshua leonard yes and

he's also kind of a drug addict and a


uh he's a bad influence on her so she

says im going to go stay with him and

see my kids

SO of course as the audience were like

well this is not going to work well for


but in the end she does show up for her


SO she shows up at her mom's house


shows up at deb's house ready to be

taken to her appointmentbut before they leave she says i need

your pee

The story of the Four good days

because i've been using and they won't

give me the drug if i have

they won't give me the shot if i have

drugs in my system give me your p

there's sort of there's some back and

forth but deb agrees

they go to the clinic run the test and

they say you're all clear

they give her the shot you're post

menopausal but you're all clear

and i guess they didn't make her wait 15

minutes like after you get the cold

vaccine because

yeah this [L] makes her way to the car

and then has a

terrible reaction and then deb has to

take molly to the hospital

we we assume that like she may die and

then we flash forward four months

and we see that mnolly was able to stay

clean the

end there you go okay um and they're

warned about that it's called the

rapid withdrawal they're told right away

in the beginning of the film

that if you have any opioids in your. 

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