The story of the Creed 2

 The story of the Creed 2

The story of the Creed 2


Some of Apollo's old trophies nope

that's Cyrillic which can only mean one

thing yeah that this movie is truly a

roller coaster of feelings but dagnabbit

no one wants to be woken up witha


I get it you're tough he's got to be

tough but truthfully a nice back rub is

the way to wake someone up gonna go


on a limb here and say even the scars on

Ivan's face are telling his story after

losing to Rocky as we find out in this

movie he was abandoned by everyone so

that scar below his eye is very likely

from their fight and it was just never

stitched Florian montiano is built like

a house and every punch he throws

confirms that so yeah Florian montiano's

workout routine

and we're already being well maybe not

endeared to Victor but he ain't no

villain you head by you go down but I'm

gonna keep bringing it up this movie

dragos especially Victor the movie opens

with himn we see him eating preparing for

a fight and then obviously being a house

a heavyweight champion of the world

isn't it's only been a week Donnie was

fighting light heavyweight 175 pounds

against spirino meaning he put on almost

40 pounds of muscle to hit 214 which is

a fun reveal while he's still robed

apparently Jordan only added about 20

but still

The story of the Creed 2

both a cute callback and I love that

he's learning sign language with her

there's only three steps into that ring

just three how does sly make the most

mundane thing sound so epic andlife-altering I need to sit behind me

while I'm doing my taxes now go get your

Mustang back that's a pretty great line

in delivery shows the utmost confidence

Donny's storv wheeler was the

Untouchable man in the last movie even

Donnie knew he'd messed up when


accepted his Challenge and now he's

gonna finish this fight without a

scratch oh and by the way once we do


Dany without the robe we realize why

he's not a light heavyweight anymore

yeah I know if I was going to win what's

that got to do

I don't know these two talking about

love it's the blind leading the blind

not on how to love but just social norms

I quess I asked if she would not my

marry mne very much I have a dumb ways

saying she's my world it was sweet by

then it's your first date that you

really messed up good yeah real good

even with the entire world on his mind

Donnie is still thinking about and

checking on Rocky our slash wholesome

will you marry me

still hungry babe

sequence is interesting because it

reminds us of one of her struggles and

probably a tricky part of their

relationship and it's also a little

comedic but tragic at the same time it

all feels ery real it's the type of

thing that a sitcom could write an

entire episode around but in real life

you move past it it you get engaged the

parallels with both Rocky's life before

clever Lane and Apollos before lvan are

pretty on point Victor spends the daydoing manual labor before a fight

Donny's just jawning knock on his doors

hey how you doing Rocky's still alone

but I have to say he seems to be okay

he's talking through things that really

matter and because he knows Adrian so

well you can almost hear the other side

of the conversation this isn't menacing

at all guys totally normal good guy

stuff but what's interesting is how

Victor is constantly painted he's just

along for the ride we find out later

what his real motives are you know


ones like have a mom but for now lvan is

just dragging him along letting him know

what he should be pissed off about he's

been a hype ever since you got this John

I'm sorry what does he do with his car

JK JK I really need to work John into my

lexicon everything changed that night

like yesterday to me even lvan who was

really just a stand-in for the 80s Red

Scare is now human not just fodder fornah there's no pictures of that look I

know Drago was kind of a sad character

in this one and is attempting to regain

his former glory vicariously through his

son but my dude you killed one of his

best friends no there are no pictures of

you at his restaurant I wanna be like oh

come on that's too much even the news

media wouldn't show the fight that led

to his dad's death during coverage of a

challenge that he's obviously going to

watch but yeah no that this is right on

the money Cinema wins with the hot


news bad elusivity thing

I don't know man if your wife left you

because you lost a sports match your

relationship might not have been as

solid as you imagined


The story of the Creed 2

Someone let you hold it back for me yo

yo this is Creed versus Drago and this

is the fight he should take unless he's

afraid of history will repeat itself

that was a grimy move bruh saying are

you afraid you'll die like your dad did

playing a sports match against the son

of the man who killed your dad in a

sports match is beyond grimy but good

for calling him out it must be rocking

whispering in your ears or why don't you. 

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