The story of the Divergent

 The story of the Divergent


The story of the Divergent

I'm your host of the most local 23

joining me for a divergent episode one

200 years after date war Chicago stands

in a wasteland survivors have formed

five factions a many abnegation candor

erudite and dauntless

coming of age you pick one to live in

for the rest of your life


now it's your turn to choose who you

really are

they're all having a fantastic day while

we're waiting for this logo to load the

amid e for action wait am i pronouncing

the rest of my life I'm surprised we

didn't get to pick or our faction my

aptitude test I'm feeling stressed

excited terrified excited I can't wait

to find out exactly who I am

bring on destiny my grandma I was about

to leave Oh sweetpea really dressed like

that steak will change your life why

don't you wear your nice clothes

Filan I never get to dress up I'll put

you a close option within a minute well

that's pretty even more confident nowI

feel more confident piss off my rags are

fine and what you really aren't rag well

I suppose that will do we can save the

celebration for later

I better get movin I can't be late

aptitude testing facility

good you're here if you are who I think

you are what's your name I don't know umyou knoW what let's go with a

tried-and-true classic

okay Mizzou me I'm Tori

Il be running your simulation you know

how it works

The story of the Divergent

not at all help I know exactly what I'm


refresh my memory the serum immerses


in the screens to test your personality

what it's over I'll tell you your

perfect action okay I can do this

where am I hello

she have two sides IIl take the sunny

path Ill take the forest five

Ill take forest I like nature this is

amazing l choose the knife this might be

handy was it found

Oh come a little closer are you feeling

okay yes fine but I need help answering

this reasonable um okay Ill give it a

try which point wins a word or a blade

that really depends on the circumstance

but || have both do you need to win a

debate or a fight wisdom and cleverness

follow me here I uh okay but I'm giving

my Destin's

where are we going now five bowls

welcome to zoomy Gao Matthews where


you come from it's time for your

choosing are you ready no I haven't even

got my aptitude results are you caring

peaceful honest brave smart I need more

time you're about to get a special

choice but of choices won't affect the

outcome of your story but will determine

your de faction aptitude time's up wheredo you belong [.

um I'm all of these

now tune my own horn but I mean [_]

which is my best quality Ill go with


Nezumi was Umi zoomi says what are


doing there I wasn't gonna miss your big

day Kenner good choice you always told

mom and dad the truth this is impossible

you're dead this is in my head right why

didn't you come help me that's why just

makes no sounds this is all the sin grey

steady it's over my sister that felt so

real Sims feel realistic so you make

honest choices

you can't tell between real and fake but

I figured out it was fake right at the

end listen you did not know it was a sim

is that clear what what was there a

problem with the result no you were

candid just like you chose go straight

home keep this to yourself you're not

telling me something just go other

people waiting

that's like knowing it's a dream but

don't tell anyone how would you anyone but your grandmother


The story of the Divergent

just candor but I don't feel like l was

being honest with myself and what is

your heart saying well I think I could

make a difference in Dawn's Grey was in

my Sam and it felt like a sign telling

me to follow her there hmmon you or gray tell me

you know what I'm gonna say that I need

to choose for myself and not try to be

like her no l'd say I'm here to support

you no matter what and if you get into a

fight with a dauntless you punch them in

the throat yeah okay

grandma lI need to go for a walk

no matter how ever announced it on their

test today


it was very peaceful

agreed I felt so in tune with myself

Mizzou me my Shan one of you 2.0

could they at least change her eyebrows

we were just talking about the aptitude


there was dream he wasn't fusion of

colors truth that wasn't my testable it


mine was a very intense did it bring you

clarity I'mn staying in Amity let me to

him seriously what's wrong with that I

imagined my sister gray in might Aston

maybe realize Oh

after she devastated your family but I

don't remember it like that

it was so awful when you blocked it out

take this recall serum remember

everything that happened to your sister

+hc cin ic tho most imnortant. 

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