The story of the dungeons and dragons

 The story of the dungeons and dragons

The story of the dungeons and dragons


There's a new d d movie coming out next

year the first trailer has been released

and i'd take a look at all the easter

eggs and game references and guess


the plot details coming right up on rpg

retro reviews

retro reviews channel normally im

reviewing old school modules and games

but how often do we get a d d movie so i

thought it would be fun to go over all

the dungeons and dragons references


i can spot in this trailer and then take

a guess at what this movie is going to

be about

note im not going to show this trailer

in its entirety but there is a link in

yet but i am going to go into a bit of

detail you'll probably not see it on

other channels so let's go ahead and get


all right as we uh begin we can

definitely see this is the city of

neverwinter in the forgotten realmswhich ill go into in just a moment one

thing this structure here is not on any

neverwinter maps but is the arena shown

in just a moment

clearly created just for the movie look

for map updates from wizards of the

coast when the movie releases to be sure

neverwinter is home to several earth

moats these are sections of land that

due to the influence of magic strangely

float above the earth

the more famous one in neverwinters is

the moonstone mask a fest hall and

tavern which should be visible in the

shot hovering above the harbor

and here's an interior shot of the city

it's a really clean city however note

the dragon statue here that we'l come

back to that in a moment

this is a shot of a dungeon in the


The story of the dungeons and dragons

i think this might be grackle's toe from

the out of the abyss adventure

grackle stow is a city of dugar dwarves

and daryl

the city is bisected by a massive chasm

called ludgar's furrow but in out of thedeep witha packed gravel floor

many bridges cross the chasm which you

can see here by this map

the forges of the city are powered by

the flame of an ancient red dragon


thunderchild which will be important in

a moment

and then in the next shot you definitely

get an interior of a temple in gracostow

note the drugar priest statues

here they've uncovered some kind of

magical helmet

this seems like the opening to the movie

this is a neat shot here we're seeing a

reverse shot looking out to see from


in the city of neverwinter note that if

you takea look at the map of

neverwinter this would seem to be mirror


however you can clearly see

two of the three bridges that bisect

neverwinter river sleeping dragon winged

wyvern and dolphin

the winged wyvern bridge is the middlelet me also draw your attention to the

arena structure to the left of the


if we do a little zoom in we can clearly

see two massive warrior statues

a cool shot of a black dragon spitting

acid whose army is this

it's hard to say but this standard in

might be a clue if anyone has an idea

please let me know in the comments

note chris pine's character here is

supposedly a bard

but he is wearing full armor in this

shot and you can also see his harper pin

in my opinion pine's character is a

multi-class character with only a few

levels in bard

there's a lot more to him than what's

indicated in the trailer to be sure

i'm also certain this is the horn of

orcas this magic item comes from orcas

himself who cut them off and gave them

to his avatar during the time of the

calamity in alexandria from criticalthe horns and there are two apparently

allowed for a way to open a doorway

between the abyss and the prime



there was an entire quest in campaign

one of critical role

for one of the horns and only one was

ever recovered

the location of the second remained a


and this my friends is the leader of the

red wizards of fey

a lich named sas tom in the realm of


note the horn of orcas in his hands

in the forgotten realms faye is a

mageocracy and zastam is a


lich who is its ruler they maintain a

massive labor force of zombie undead


have the highest concentration of undead

in all of faroon

the lich himself constantly sends his

red wizards abroad all across the

continent of faroon in search of

artifacts of power

The story of the dungeons and dragons

his goal was to create a massive realmand given that orcis is the demon lord

of the undead it becomes quite clear why

zastan would want his horn which would

be quite a powerful artifact in his

hands which could probably help him

achieve his goal on a massive scale

note in this shot all the people crowded


zostam as he completes his ritual and

then all of them fleeing and being

stopped by a cadre of red wizards

my thought here is zost is using the

horn to turn all these people to undead

zombies and then they realize their

peril at the last moment and try to flee

this is the shield spel pretty much how

i imagined it would look

i still haven't ever figure out what

forest this is if you know please leave

your theory in the comments

and here it looks like they are heading

to ten towns

ice windales and the spine of the world


the prison here is revels n which

appears in the rime of the frost maiden


and here we are back in cracklestow note. 

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